A House resolution to form a special committee — with subpoena power — now has at least 139 co-sponsors who are putting Boehner in the position of leading efforts to get the White House to release emails on Benghazi-gate but not agreeing to the demands of many rank-and-file Republicans after three career State Department employees and self-proclaimed “whistle blowers” testified Wednesday about Benghazi before the House Committee on Oversight and Government Affairs.
A select committee is needed to give the House the subpoena powers it needs to fully pursue an investigation. Without them, there will be no investigation, because the corrupted Democrat media will not:
NBC Spiked Story ID’ing Benghazi Whistleblower as Obama/Clinton Voter
Boehner on Thursday again declined to commit to appointing a committee, saying he has “confidence” in the committees already holding investigations. (WITH NO SUBPOENA POWER.)
Why won’t you appoint the special committee, Jane?
“Because Obama will get mad at me. Then David Axelrod will go after me and expose every embarrassing secret of my pathetic life.”
We know every embarrassing secret of your pathetic life. And we can imagine even more.
Now — what about your country, Jane?
“The country has to come second, henceforthheretowiththereof.”