In all of this, you are seeing the Obama legacy in action. These NGO’s were designed to do to America what Obama and Clinton did to Libya. This is what has been plaguing the Russians for years, what is taking place in the Ukraine and what has been legally protected by the American police state, as this is about transforming America into a gulag free of the Christian Protestant:
“The Green New Deal, which in the past month has come to define the progressive cause in Washington, exists in its most authoritative form as an eleven-page Google Doc. The document was written over a single December weekend by the staff of the freshman representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and three like-minded progressive groups, none of which existed two years ago: the Sunrise Movement, a grassroots climate organization; the Justice Democrats, which recruits and supports progressive candidates; and an upstart policy shop called the New Consensus. Just about everyone involved was new to lawmaking. “We spent the weekend learning how to put laws together,” Ocasio-Cortez’s chief of staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, told me. “We looked up how to write resolutions.”
We know that Obama/Jarrett stated they were going to recruit snowflakes across America to be political operatives for the Obama legacy. The reality is the protests which George Soros paid for and Obama protected using Eric Holder and Loretta Lynch, were in full progress and plain sight before the world. Obama was creating a revolution and providing “community organizing” experience to anarchists which Obama’s handlers intended to elevate by numbers into political power.
The people of New York did not elect a Puerto Rican girl from the Bronx named “Alexandra Ocasio-Cortez” – They actually elected an Indian guy from Texas, Saikat Chakrabarti, a white guy from Tennessee, Corbin Trent.

In 2016, Cortez was working as a bartender in New York City. She’d never dreamed of running for Congress. It was her brother who entered her into a contest being held by a group called the Justice Democrats, headed by the above-named people. It was quite literally a casting call. Out of 10,000 entries, AOC won the role to play the Congresswoman from New York’s 14th District. They make no secret of this.
Cortez indisputably has star power. The film featuring her at the Sundance Film Festival was such a hit, that the producers were immediately able to sell the non-theatrical distribution rights to Netflix for a lofty $10 million, which is almost unheard-of for an independent documentary film in today’s market.
From the Justice Democrats’ own promotional film, it appears that at least going in, Cortez doesn’t plan on being the Bronx’ Representative for very long. As she says, in the promo, “If you’re a one-term Congressmember, so what? You can make ten years’ worth of change in one term.” Disposable candidates actually appears to be part of the Justice Democrats’ business model.
The Justice Democrats have created a very data-driven, organized, Silicon Valley approach to politics and the Democrat Party. They have a business plan and a platform, which includes the Green New Deal, which they admit was written over the course of a weekend last December (obvious to anyone who’s read it). Their lack of qualifications notwithstanding, they want nothing less than to 1. replace the Democrat Party with the young Social Democrats who they control, 2. take control of Congress and then 3. take over the United States. It’s all about control.
They identify vulnerable districts they think they can win and they “primary them”. They have a very effective social media marketing plan for collecting new candidates who will run on their platform. They audition, groom and train their candidates in their talking points, they raise the campaign funds and expertly do their intensive social media.
Cortez’s Chief-of-Staff, Saikat Chakrabarti, a 33-year-old self-made millionaire tech entrepreneur came under fire last week when it was discovered that he’d diverted over $1 million of AOC’s campaign funds into a series of shell corporations that appear to have been deliberately set up to obscure the destination of the funds, in a total contradiction to AOC’s pledges to increase transparency and to reduce the influence of “dark money” in politics. Both he and AOC have been named in a complaint filed with the Federal Elections Committee (FEC) to investigate their shady PACs. If convicted, they could technically do a few years in prison.
It’s been determined that the mastermind behind Chakrabarti is Zack Exley, a Saul Alinksy-ite, Radical Leftist who’s been a political operative for some time, working on campaigns for John Kerry, the UK’s Labour Party, Bernie Sanders, as the Chief Revenue Officer of the Wikimedia Foundation and an associate of George Soros’ Open Borders Foundation.
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