Ex-CIA Agent Claims Obama Had Breitbart and Clancy Killed

  Well, well, well…   Well according to Dr. Jim Garrow, Andrew Breitbart was not dead of natural causes. According to the interview, he was killed directly by the Obama Administration.  Andrew Breitbart was known for his controversy against the administration and the news media. Several people believed he was killed including some of the … Read more

Obama: National Mall closed to veterans, but immigration rally for illegal aliens is a go

http://washingtonexaminer.com/signs-say-national-mall-closed-but-immigration-reform-rally-is-a-go/article/2536957 When you are a communist and find yourself in a position of leadership in a free country, you want to create a large unemployable underclass with which to enslave the rest of the population.That is what Barack Obama, Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid and the rest of the leftists elites infesting our government are seeking … Read more

57 states — and a 37% approval rating

http://townhall.com/tipsheet/guybenson/2013/10/09/shutdown-fallout-obama-approval-rating-slides-to-37-percent-n1720138   — And counting. Down.   Even with the entire media/union/education complex attacking him and indoctrinating voters, George W. Bush had higher approval rating than Obama at this point in his presidency. http://dailycaller.com/2013/10/09/bush-had-higher-approval-rating-than-obama-at-this-point-in-his-presidency/   But then, George Bush wasn’t a nose-picking communist, bent on destroying our nation. This fraud is. Even with the media/union/education/government … Read more


  The Fine Report was down for a few days — hacked, after we consistently started calling Obama a ‘communist.’ The truth hurts.   Stand-by while we catch up.    

March of the Sociopaths

Obama: The Statue of Liberty Will Be Immediately Closed http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/terence-p-jeffrey/obama-statue-liberty-will-be-immediately-closed   Kerry: Potential Terror Recruits Need ‘More Economic Opportunities’ http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/patrick-goodenough/kerry-potential-terror-recruits-need-more-economic-opportunities   Democrat Rep. Moore: A Gov’t Shutdown Would Be To ‘Punish The People For Electing Barack Obama’ http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/eric-scheiner/rep-moore-govt-shutdown-would-be-punish-people-electing-barack-obama   Democrat Granholm: Leaders in Iran, Syria ‘Acting More Rationally Than the House Tea Party Republicans’ http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/melanie-hunter/granholm-leaders-iran-syria-acting-more-rationally-house-tea-party … Read more

The mentally ill John McCain: Stockholm Syndrome personified

  (McCain’s ‘fantasy’ figure is Ho Chi Minh, the brutal Communist dictator of North Vietnam, where McCain was held prisoner of war. Read more, below.) photo h/t: Iowntheworld.com   Funny how the picture above looked familiar. -Adolph Hitler, the ‘Obama’ of his time, with appeaser Neville Chamberlain, the ‘John McCain’ of his time. We know … Read more

Failed GOP candidate Mittens Romney offers GOP advice on how to win

  Romney on Cruz filibuster: ‘There’s a better way of getting rid of Obamacare’ http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/27/romney-on-cruz-filibuster-theres-a-better-way-of-getting-rid-of-obamacare/     “Of course, I have no idea what that way is. But I say we continue to follow the ‘Banana Republican Loser Plan.’ Then again, look how well it worked for me. But I digress…”

Too-little too-late for this loser

‘Boehner makes his move’   http://www.speaker.gov/press-release/house-will-vote-plan-keep-government-open-stop-obamacare From the Squeaker’s website: “The American people don’t want a government shut down and they don’t want ObamaCare. That’s why later today, the House will vote on two amendments to the Senate-passed continuing resolution that will keep the government open and stop as much of the president’s health care … Read more

Stockholm Syndrome* sufferer John McCain hires John Kerry’s Democrat fraudster — the very one who fabricated graduate education credentials to advocate for Obama’s planned ‘wag the dog’** attack on Syria

dailycaller.com/2013/09/27/mccain-hires-syria-rebel-advocate-elizabeth-obagy/   John McCain is the scum that is John Kerry. There is no difference, other than bad plastic surgery.   *Read about Stockholm Syndrome: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stockholm_syndrome **Read about ‘Wag the dog’: http://www.globalresearch.ca/syria-wag-to-dog-towards-a-major-mideast-war/5348010   DUMP GOP RATS LIKE JOHN McCAIN.   SUPPORT THE TEA PARTY LIKE THE FUTURE OF YOUR COUNTRY DEPENDED ON IT.  

The GOP Establishment: Ted Cruz shows these bums for who they really are

  GOP paper tiger Peter King goes on the Communist News Network and trashes GOP hero Ted Cruz: Said CNN’s ass-licking GOP Congressman Peter King: ‘Those I’ve Spoken To Think He’s Crazy’   http://www.mediaite.com/tv/rep-peter-king-bashes-sen-ted-cruz-on-cnn-those-ive-spoken-to-think-hes-crazy/   John McCain has Stockholm Syndrome* as an excuse for his betrayals. What’s King’s excuse?   Nothing — except cowardice and … Read more

The horrible legacy of Hillary Weiner Clinton

  As Secretary of Inebriation for Barack Obama, Hillary Weiner Clinton was key in the overthrow of the Libyan government.  Since then, chaos has reigned, with the rise in Libya of the power of the terrorist, America-hating Muslim Brotherhood.     What difference does it make now? —-   Theft of sophisticated US weapons in … Read more

FAKES: The Obamas; Oprah Winphrey

  Barack Obama has more than 19.5 million fake Twitter ‘followers’ http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2430875/Barack-Obama-19-5m-fake-Twitter-followers.html   Michelle Obama has nearly 2 million fake Twitter ‘followers’ http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/24/michelle-obama-has-nearly-2-million-fake-twitter-followers/   Oprah Winphrey has over 11 million fake Twitter ‘followers’ http://dailycaller.com/2013/09/25/oprah-has-over-11-million-fake-twitter-followers/   America has 1 fake president http://commieblaster.com/obamacrimes/. http://obamacrimes.com/   h/t: Iowntheworld.com

Obama: The World Is ‘More Stable Than It Was 5 Years Ago’

http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/susan-jones/obama-world-more-stable-it-was-5-years-ago   “‘Stable?’  Yeah! — If you’re a horse!”     Then again: Obama’s Horse Slaughter Program http://www.buzzfeed.com/freewildhorses/the-obama-administrations-stealth-horse-slaughter-cqlw     In other bad news:   Iran Blows-off Obama at U.N. http://freebeacon.com/iran-refuses-to-meet-with-obama-at-u-n/  

Let’s cut the crap, and tell it like it is

Communists in Congress walk out of Benghazi hearing http://iowntheworld.com/blog/?p=204647&cpage=1#comment-1438323   Like it is:   h/t: Iowntheworld.com Read Ann Coulter’s piece on Senator Joseph McCarthy: The McCarthy period is the Rosetta stone of all liberal lies. It is the textbook on how they rewrite history — the sound chamber of liberal denunciations, their phony victimhood as … Read more

‘Cheap Justice’ John Roberts

  Now that just about everyone sees the Obamacare law for what it is — a fascist enabling act — take a look back at ‘Cheap Justice’ Roberts’ sell-out our country, and why  he changed his vote on the eve of the Supreme Court’s decision:   Was Justice Roberts Intimidated Into Voting for ‘ObamaCare’? Senator … Read more

Obama: ‘We’re Not Some Banana Republic’

http://nationalreview.com/corner/359108/obama-were-not-some-banana-republic-andrew-johnson   He’s right. We’re the Obama Banana Republic.     “Gee, I’d like a banana.”   Good. Here’s your banana:  

Crazy Nancy Pelosi on Obama:

  “He has been practically apolitical, certainly nonpartisan.” http://www.politico.com/story/2013/09/nancy-pelosi-unplugged-behind-the-curtain-97095.html   Crazy Pelosi assigns little to no blame to the Obama , and instead portrays him as saintly, above reproach and the victim of jealousy or something worse. Uh, much worse.     “We sure picked a winner!”