Reince: it’s time to move aside

  -GOP Chairman Reince Prebus, who has yet to win the GOP a national election nor stave off the GOP’s rocketing spiral downward.         Boehner, what are you laughing at, you cretin?   “Oops, sorry. I thought we’re all supposed to laugh when Obama laughs. Isn’t that written in Obamacare, on page … Read more

Boston terrorists’s mother (and fugitive thief) is “extremely proud” of her sons; blames America for their acts, then…says they didn’t do it

  “It was two other young guys named Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Dzhokhar Tsarnaev! Come on, they’re common names!”     “I will say this until my dying day: shoplifting mothers of Mercedes-driving Massachusetts terrorists on welfare are people, too.” -Rachel Madcow, of the Democrat/government/union/education-complex taxpayer-funded propaganda organization MSNBC

Obama hack (Mass. governor Deval Patrick) refuses to release records of dead Boston bomber’s welfare benefits

Patrick cites “privacy issues.” Right. Privacy issues of a dead terrorist.   Now, for the truth: Deval Patrick has been as disastrous for Massachusetts residents as Barack Obama has been for all Americans. He is a shameless welfare-state builder like President Obama, and simply dismisses criticisms, factual evidence of failed policies, and really anything … Read more

A Fine Report exclusive — The transcript of the arrest and interrogation of Boston Bomber #2 at his hospital bed

 “Have you ever @#$%ed on a pressure cooker full of explosives? It’s nice.”   Officer: Mr. Tsarnaev, you are hereby under arrest.   Tsarnaev: @#$% you.    Officer: You have the right to remain silent –    Tsarnaev: @#$% you.    Officer: Are you giving up that right?    Tsarnaev: Are you stupid and deaf? … Read more

This is absolutely @#$%ing amazing

  This is an authentic, undoctored photograph of the murderous Nikolai Yezhov, Chairman of the Soviet Secret Police (NKVD) in the late 1930’s, under the equally murderous dictator Joseph Stalin. Stalin suspected Yezhov of being a homosexual and subsequently had Yezhov — and countless other homosexuals — murdered merely because of their homosexuality.   Utterly … Read more

Scummy, a dummy and a mummy

  Scummy: At least seven U.S. communities that received stimulus money to educate Americans about obesity and tobacco use violated federal law by using the funds to lobby for higher taxes Dummy: Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel said Sunday he hasn’t enough intelligence (!)  yet to say the Boston Marathon bombers were inspired by … Read more

Goal posts

  Left, Doku Umarov, a Chechen terrorist known as Russia’s Bin Laden. Still left, Rep. Sheila Jackass Lee.

Mother of the year

    by Comrade Putout  

Does Glenn Beck really have a bombshell to drop connecting Obama and the Boston bombers?

Says Beck: “I have evidence so damning against Obama that it will ‘determine the fate of our nation’”   Has Beck suddenly become disgustingly cynical and a complete whore for attention (much like this website)? Or will he in fact deliver?   We’ll find out tomorrow.   In the meantime, in the words of … Read more

DEBKA file: the Boston bombers were double agents, once working for the Saudis   But there’s yet another Saudi double-agent loose in the United States:   The Saudi Agent Behind ‘Barack Obama’ – Khalid Al Mansour: Barack Hussein Obama was guided and funded by a Saudi agent in the United States. This was happening since 1979 and perhaps earlier, since the time Barack Obama lived in Hawaii … Read more

Why we must fight

While most Americans — including our own president and his corrupt dead-head at the top of DHS — did not know about the terror threat presented by Chechen Islamists, a lot of us not drinking the Democrat/union/media/education Kool-Aid already did. You saw what they did to children and innocent bystanders at the Boston Marathon bombing. … Read more

A sign in a Boston public garden

  Nothing ensures violence by evil people more than stating an unwillingness to fight them. (Unlike a credible threat of whoop-ass — which works like a charm.)

Will Elizabeth Warren’s #Occupy losers take a que from the Boston murderers and do as Obama’s mentor Bill Ayers had done, too: begin planting bombs?

Obama pal Bill Ayers’ U.S. Bombings No Different Than the Bombings in Boston    This is something to think about, very, very seriously.   Elizabeth Warren Takes Credit for #Occupy      

Why isn’t Obama’s changing NASA’s ‘highest priority’ to that of ‘Muslim outreach’ stopping the murder and maiming of Americans at the hands of Islamists?

  Bad Memory Lane:   Obama NASA chief Charle Bolden says agency’s goal is Muslim outreach; forgets to mention space   So why weren’t those Boston bomb-murderers ‘feeling good?’  

‘The Obama pot calling the kettle black,’ continuing

Janet Napolitano: Story of Massive DHS Ammo Purchase Reported on Drudge Report is ‘not credible’   “Now that’s funny! HEE-HAAWWW!!!!!!”   Napolitano says the 1.6 billion 9MM rounds purchased seems ‘high’ because DHS ‘typically uses 150 to 160 MILLION rounds per YEAR.’   “A 150 million rounds per year?? She just said the report … Read more

Top Democrat Sen. Baucus warns of the ‘train wreck’ of Obamacare law

    (Or not, if you’re one of the people who hasn’t had your head up your @#$% for the past 4 years.)   Now take a moment and listen again to then-House Speaker Crazy Nancy Pelosi’s statement, “We have to pass the health care bill so that you can find out what … Read more