Another ‘Obama first:’

  And you though we’ve been exaggerating the danger to our freedom with this lunatic in high office?   Secret Service Asks Americans to Report Tweets That ‘Concern You’     Dear Secret Service, The following Tweets concern me:         Big Bird and a big turd:

Media corruption: this says it all

From Doug Ross:   SCANDAL COMPARISON CHART: Benghazi-gate vs. Valerie Plame Please review the following chart. At the bottom, I have a suggestion for any Republican candidate, representative or pundit who is asked why they are “politicizing” Benghazi. My suggestion for those who are confronted with charges of “politicizing” Benghazi? I don’t need to … Read more

Another ‘Obama first:’

Even democrat hack David Brooks admits: ‘It has been the worst campaign I’ve ever covered’ May we dispose of this ugly, hateful, traitorous, incompetent fraud on November 6th, and begin the long, painful journey in putting this grotesque period in our nation’s history behind us. But get ready: if Romney beats Obama, the Democrat … Read more

California’s voter stupidity has spread to New York:

A new poll finds 55 percent of voters would rather have the party of Pedro Espada, Hiram Monserrate and Shirley Huntley running the Senate again, while 36 percent want to keep it in Republican hands.   Espada and Monserrate are currently both out of office,  and both are convicted of crimes.     Political … Read more

Ann Coulter shows how you talk to a manipulative, condescending leftist:

To an unimportant idiot host on CNN who told Coulter she was ‘hyperventilating’ when she disagreed with him:   COULTER: “I’m not hyperventilating. I’m disagreeing with you, which apparently is insulting your teeny tiny male ego. It is the most insulting, condescending, sexist thing to say to a female, generally conservative, who disagrees with you. … Read more


The ‘fix’ is on:     COLUMBUS, Ohio — Two volunteer poll workers at an Ohio voting station told Human Events that they observed van loads of Ohio residents born in Somalia — the state is home to the second-largest Somali population in the United States — being driven to the voting station and guided … Read more

The single funniest headline any of us here has ever read:

Hillary Clinton suggests ‘she could stay’ as Secretary of State:       Said Clinton: “A lot of people have talked to me about staying.” But she declined to be more specific.”     “Ah-HA!!…. AH-HA-HA-HAAAAAA!!!!!!!  — ‘A lot of people??’ Name one!”        “Uh… Huma?”     Clinton, for once in … Read more

How low has ‘Barack Obama’ (or whoever he is) taken our nation?

‘You know, kids have good instincts,’ Obama said. ‘They look at the other guy and say, “Well, that’s a bullshitter, I can tell.’” -Barack Obama       “Now that‘s a bullshitter. I can tell. Just show me one idiot that can’t.”     Here are three:  

TheFineReport: 6 months old — 5,000,000 hits

   5,000,000 hits — in our first 6 months.   So essentially, what does that mean? It means more than 4,999,999. It also means a better-than-average chance we will hit 5,000,001.  (Hey — we just did.)   Special thanks – depending on how you feel – to Oleg Atbashian at for making The Fine … Read more

Newsweek was bought for a dollar.   Whoria Allred was bought for a lot less.     As little barry will forever be a stain upon America’s presidency, Whoria will forever be a stain upon America’s profession of law.     All in favor, say ‘grunt:’                  (Can Hillary Clinton get anything right?)

OBAMA’S SIGNATURE MOVE: UNSEALING PRIVATE RECORDS   That, from the king of sealed records?   So why not unseal Obama’s?     “No! No! You can’t do that! We might win! — Then what’ll I do??”

Whales: the smarter species

  US scientists report whale making human voice sounds AFP – US marine biologists puzzled by human-like sounds coming from the whale and dolphin tank of an aquarium concluded they were actually coming from a whale.          No, no — not that whale. This whale:  

Okay, so the debates are over…

  …So what GOP ‘establishment’ hacks allowed corrupt Democrat media hacks to ‘moderate’ them?   Hm?     “That’s an excellent question… Why are you looking at me like that?”

BREAKING: Joe Biden Corruption – Vice President’s Brother Gets $1,500,000,000.00 Government Contract!

  “What’d you say, a-hole?”     We said, “We just caught you feeding your brother a $1,500, government contract.”     “You’ll never be able to prove that.”     Really? The story’s breaking everywhere: BREAKING: Joe Biden Corruption – Biden’s Brother gets $100 Million Government Contract     “Er — so I … Read more