We Are In A Depression. But Why ‘We’ Don’t Feel It:

  Here’s why ‘we’ don’t feel it as Americans did in the 1930s:   http://directorblue.blogspot.com/     But we will feel it in 2013.     “There is no depression. The economy is actually booming.” -ABC ‘News’ fraud and Obama shill, George Stephanopoulos  

Shales of 1980 — When Reagan Was First Elected by a Landslide:

  Gallup Poll: Obama Leads by 4 Points http://www.gallup.com/poll/150743/Obama-Romney.aspx   Flashback: Gallup Had Carter Up 4 Points Over Ronald Reagan in September 1980 Flashback: Gallup Had Carter Up 4 Points Over Ronald Reagan in September 1980     “Reagan was never elected president.” -ABC ‘News’ fraud and Obama shill, George Stephanopoulos

Hillary Clinton’s Latest Humilation: Russia rejects US’ calls for pressure on Syria, Iran

She’s humiliated again. And so are we: VLADIVOSTOK, Russia –  Russia on Saturday soundly rejected U.S. calls for increased pressure on Syrian President Bashar Assad to relinquish power. U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton tried to prod Moscow into supporting U.N. action to end the crisis in Syria and she expressed hope that Congress … Read more

Why is Putin stockpiling gold?

  What is it that Vladimir Putin knows (other than ‘Barack Obama’ is a fool)?   According to the World Gold Council, Russia has more than doubled its gold reserves in the past five years. Putin has taken advantage of the financial crisis to build the world’s fifth-biggest gold pile in a handful of years, … Read more

Booed At Dem Convention:

  God? “Boooo!!!!   Jews? “Boooo!!!!   DNC voter-fraud perpetrator L.A. Mayor Villaragossa? “Boooo!!!! (We have been warning you for months this  guy is an idiot.)     Obama: “This mess was someone else’s fault!” http://washingtonexaminer.com/axelrod-blames-other-democrats-for-platform-mess/article/2507167#.UEjDW41lREM “I was off in the corner my own business, picking my nose during the entire thing. It could not … Read more

Hillary Clinton, America’s Loser:

  No one in the world takes this jerk seriously, let alone the Communist Chinese:   Avoiding DNC, Hillary Clinton gets snubbed in China: http://washingtonexaminer.com/avoiding-dnc-hillary-clinton-gets-snubbed-in-china/article/2507027#.UEeQbmzCz8B     “Ancient Chinese proverb say, ‘Do not employ handsome servants — or stupid Secretaries of State.’  One of you Americans come get this moron.” -Communist Chinese Vice President and … Read more

The American Nightmare: Tale of Two B.S. Artists

  “Me! I! Barack! We need more time! Change! Hope! Haliburton! It’s Bush’s fault! It’s….”   (Says “I” or “Me” 83 times in DNC speech.) Michelle Says “I” or “Me” 83 times   Her False Fairy Tale (aka “lies”) of Struggle http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Government/2012/09/05/Fact-Check-Michelle-Obama-s-False-Fairy-Tale-of-Struggle     Says “I” or “Me” 83 times in DNC speech.

Elections Matter — Another Parasite Named “Michelle” Gets Overfed by Taxpayers:

  Massachusetts judge approves taxpayer-funded sex change for life-sentenced murderer: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/09/04/massachusetts-judge-approves-taxpayer-funded-sex-change-for-inmate/ -Michelle Kosilek was born male but has received hormone treatments and now lives as a woman in an all-male prison. Robert Kosilek was convicted of murder in the killing of his wife in 1990.     “If the government paid for my surgery, it … Read more

Crazy Elizabeth Warren’s “Indian” Fraud — the Video:

  Crazy Elizabeth Warren lied about having ‘minority status’ to gain admission to college and obtain other benefits (bumping aside the people they were actually for). This could be grounds for civil fraud, and possibly criminal liability:    “How?”     The expose:     H/T Legalinsurrection.com http://legalinsurrection.com/2012/09/video-unaccountable-elizabeth-warren-and-the-cherokee/

Happy Labor Day from Obama and First Thug Richard Trumka!

  Just imagine if this lunatic is re-elected…     “Don’t worry — I’ll be there to protect you!”     “Boehner, shut-up and get back on the lawn!”     “Sorry, Mrs. Obama.  I just got a little excited. Would you tell Mr. Obama I am back on the lawn? Please?”  

THE RUSH TO SURRENDER: GOP ‘establishment’ hacks haves found a way to destroy the gift Clint Eastwood’s has given!

  SIMPLY BEYOND BELIEF.   These a-holes have NO @#$% clue on how to win elections. NONE! (Or is it possible they simply don’t want to??)   GOP Establishment Hacks Cause Clint Eastwood’s speech to be deleted from all official RNC videos! A Romney adviser said the presidential candidate found Eastwood’s skit funny, but other … Read more

Ann Romney Tells Vogue Magazine to Take a Walk:

  Ann Romney tells Vogue, the ‘Michelle Obama glamorizing’ magazine (an impossible task, so give them credit for trying), to go take a hike:   According to a story in the New Republic, the potential first lady declined to be profiled in Vogue magazine:   The magazine notes that several high-profile Democratic women have been … Read more

Colleges Now Offering Degrees in “Useful Idiocy:”

  Breaking the Law: College offers Credit for Campaigning for Obama A public university in Colorado may have violated state law by offering students course credit if they volunteered with President Obama’s re-election campaign. A blog post on the Adams State University website billed the opportunity as a “12 week long organizing internship for the … Read more