The history of the ‘middle finger’

Before the Battle of Agincourt in 1415, the French, anticipating victory over the English, proposed to cut off the middle finger of all captured English soldiers.   Without the middle finger it would be impossible to draw the renowned English longbow and therefore they would be incapable of fighting in the future.   This famous … Read more

Al Sharpton on a new Fine Report game show!

“Can You Spot the Victim?” Now, for our host! —   Host: “Hello everybody! Our first contestant is Al Sharpton. Welcome to the show, Al!” Al Sharpton: “I’m happy to be here.” Host: “Al, what do you do for a living?” Al Sharpton: “I iz one of dem race-baiter types. And I got me a … Read more

The Crazy Nancy Pelosi of newspaper editors

  NY Times editor Jill Abramson denies paper has a bias, despite current and former public editors criticizing its leftist viewpoint       NY Times, here’s what we think of your propaganda rag:    


The truth Johnny Dumb Depp wants to hide about the real-life Tontos: How Comanche Indians butchered babies, roasted enemies alive and would ride 1,000 miles to wipe out a family Comanche Indians were responsible for one of the most brutal slaughters in the history of the Wild West But Dumb Depp sought to play Comanche … Read more

If Oprah had a son…

  If race-hater Barack Hussein Obama had a son, he’d look like this:   If race-baiter Oprah Winfrey had a son, he’d look like this: And would probably be about as useful.   Oprah Winfrey, a woman whose only friends are friends she can buy.  

The Moron Revolution

  The Industrial Revolution, which brought us everything we have today:     The Moron Revolution, which seeks to piss it all away:     Maybe not for long, but we still have a choice between industry —- and piss.     The work of Nobel Peace Prize winner Barack Hussein Obama and his fellow … Read more

America’s ‘other’ idiot, John Kerry: yearns for the days of dictatorships

  Kerry: “Ever since the end of the Cold War, forces have been unleashed that were tamped down…by dictators… Internet…makes it much harder to govern, makes it much harder to organize people.”   ‘Tamped down’ by dictators?’ ‘Internet makes it hard to govern?’ ‘Makes it much harder to organize people?’ (Who does Kerry suggest the … Read more

Pathetically incompetent and drunk, yes. But most people forgot she’s also pathetically corrupt. Worse, she is a common thief.

Clinton Foundation: supervised by a rotating board of cronies, rife with conflicts of interest, multimillion-dollar deficits despite vast amounts of money flowing in.   In other words: Hillary Clinton and her husband stole the money.  

When you’re an incompetent clown, you can’t take competent clowns making fun of you. BOYCOTT THE MISSOURI STATE FAIR

Clown banned for life from Missouri State Fair for Wearing Obama Mask   What a baby. What an unbelievable, world-class asshole — even for an affirmative-action fraud.   You gotta be nuts to support the Missouri State Fair by attending it. @#$% ’em — boycott it. That rodeo clown is always welcome here.   … Read more

Sinister dunce Barack Obama: ‘We Don’t Have a Domestic Spying Program’   The moron president continues, aping words on a teleprompter he doesn’t understand: “The odds of dying in a terrorist attack are a lot lower than they are of dying in a car accident, unfortunately.”   “Dude, I once died in a car accident. It was a super close call. What does he mean … Read more

Stockholm Syndrome* sufferer John McCain and RINO sidekick Lindsay Graham travel to meet with their friends in the fascist Muslim Brotherhood *Stockholm syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.     Support the Tea Party candidate who could unseat Lindsay Graham: let’s put Mace in Graham’s face:  

President Man-child and his sinister commie mommy

BREAKING Benghazi Bombshell: Valerie Jarrett was the key decision-maker for the administration the night of the Benghazi terrorist attacks (as Obama went up to bed, and Hillary Weiner Clinton went off somewhere to get drunk)   “She’s always telling me what to do… I wonder what time Jay-Z’s gonna get here.”


Say hello to Republican Nancy Mace, the Tea Party candidate who plans to challenge obnoxious RINO Lindsay Graham for the Senate in the 2014 Republican primary.   Mace is the first woman to graduate from The Citadel, a military college in the Palmetto State. She is also a wife, mother and small business owner from … Read more

When the left needs to spread the lamest of its propaganda to the dumbest of its base: they trot out Crazy Nancy Pelosi

  “President Obama is one of the most practically non-partisan presidents I have ever seen in my career and that he really is working to forge a budget agreement.” “As for me…I’m working to forge the mother of  all ‘number twos.’”   Or, they trot out the outrageous tax cheat and filthy racist, democrat … Read more


New York Times Sells Boston Globe at 93% Loss   CNN Viewership Drops 32%, HLN 50%   John Kerry: ‘There was no coup in Egypt’   “What’s so funny?”

69 Things to Do Sexually Before You Die

by Sasha Brown-Stain What sexual things should everyone experience before they die? Ninety percent of these can be done in the context of a loving, safe marriage. The rest, alas, I will have to leave to the single gals among us. But here is a list of 69 sexual must-dos before you die. Kiss a … Read more

John McCain: the Stockholm Syndrome* is kicking in again

 Stockholm Syndrome* sufferer John McCain says he might vote for Hillary Weiner Clinton instead of Republican Rand Paul *Stockholm syndrome is a psychological phenomenon in which hostages express empathy and sympathy and have positive feelings toward their captors, sometimes to the point of defending them.   John McCain was a prisoner of war … Read more

More hot air from John ‘Wet Noodle’ Boehner’s paper tiger, Darryl Issa

Issa accuses IRS of obstruction, warns of consequences     California GOP Rep. Darrell Issa, chairman of the House Oversight and Government Reform Committee, warned acting IRS chief Daniel Werfel that if “the IRS continues to hinder the committee’s investigation in any manner, the committee will be forced to consider use of compulsory process.” … Read more