If you’re not terrified, you should be now

The United States Defense Department under Barack Obama classifies Catholics and Christian evangelicals as extremists http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/apr/5/dod-presentation-classifies-catholics-evangelicals/ Remember, the U.S. government under then-president Franklin Roosevelt (Democrat) imprisoned every Japanese-American citizen living in America and seized their property by a mere presidential decree. The U.S. Supreme Court upheld Roosevelt’s action.     What do you think a … Read more

Damn this backstabbing coward: Boeher is ready to sell us out again

  Boehner Will Allow House To Vote On Unconstitutional Democrat Legislation That Tramples 2nd Amendment Rights http://gunowners.org/a04042013.htm?utm_medium=twitter&utm_source=twitterfeed   “Following the path of least resistance — even if it requires selling my country out — is what I do. If you’re dumb enough to keep me in as GOP House Squeaker, you have nothing to complain … Read more

The Obama ‘Freudian slips’ — yet another one

Barack Obama’s numerous Freudian slips have convinced those of us truly listening that he is an ignorant madman.   Michelle Obama’s recent Freudian slip has further convinced us he is a closet homosexual.   Is there is anything at all put forth about this lunatic that is not an utter lie?   Michelle Obama calls … Read more


Thanks to Oleg Atbashian at ThePeoplesCube.com for making The Fine Report possible.   And now, to celebrate: ten million pictures of Fine Women. …Okay, okay: six pictures of Fine Women:

The ghost of Obamacare will be haunting Cheap Justice John ‘Jellylegs’ Roberts — and very soon

As the horror of Obamacare begins to unfold, we take a look back at the Cheap Justice’s cowardice and his betrayal of his oath in allowing himself to be intimidated into upholding a fascist dictate. History will show that it was Robert’s titanic failure which began America’s path to it’s second civil war. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/chief-justice-roberts-its-not-tax-it-tax-its-law-its-not-unlawful-break-it   … Read more

Easter Headlines

The Pope Uses Easter Service to Preach Love: “Change Hatred Into Love” http://news.yahoo.com/official-vatican-text-popes-speech-135245923.html   The Dope Uses Easter Service to Preach Hate: Obama: “The captains of the religious right are always calling for blacks to be back in the back of the bus … for women to be back in the kitchen … for immigrants … Read more

The occurring world power-play and Barack Obama’s sabotage of the United States

  “Flexibility….”   Obama planning major unilateral nuclear weapons cuts http://tv.msnbc.com/2013/02/12/obama-planning-major-nuclear-weapons-cuts/   There will be a point of no return for us. And it’s coming.     Trevor Loudon reveals Barry Soetoro’s and Valerie Jarrett’s sinister pasts, and provides a sobering warning to America and the free world: “The gutting of the U.S. military: Obamamunism isn’t … Read more

Why California is broke:

Alameda County Administrator Susan Muranishi, 63, retires with pension of $423,664 a year for the rest of her life! News of Muranishi’s payout comes at a time when nearby Stockton, Calif., is trying to enter bankruptcy. On Monday, the city faced off with its creditors in U.S. Bankruptcy Court to decide the issue. Stockton is … Read more

Obama daughters: parasites in training

No White House Tours For American School Kids, But Spring Break In The Bahamas For Obama’s Daughters http://lonelyconservative.com/2013/03/no-whitehouse-tours-for-american-school-kids-spring-break-in-the-bahamas-for-obamas-daughters/   Bring the whole rotten family!

A mind is a terrible thing to lose

 “Sometimes government does know best. And in those cases, Americans should just cede their rights. I do think there are certain times we should infringe on your freedom.”   — ‘We’?’   -Future mental asylum inmate and current NY mayor, Michael Bloomingidiotberg http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2013/mar/25/nyc-mayor-bloomberg-government-has-right-infringe-/

The Obama Leftist University Brainwashing Hack Employment Act: Million$ for Silly Lesbian Studies to Keep Propagandists Working

$2.7M Federal Study: Why Do Lesbians Have Higher ‘Risk for Hazardous Drinking’? http://cnsnews.com/news/article/27m-federal-study-why-do-lesbians-have-higher-risk-hazardous-drinking   $2.7M Federal Study: Why Lesbians Are Fat http://cnsnews.com/news/article/feds-spend-15-million-study-why-lesbians-are-fat   As dumb as those are, The Fine Report has uncovered even more Obama-subsidized federal studies about lesbians, designed to keep leftist propagandists employed:   Why do lesbians associate with other lesbians?   … Read more

In the year 2016

    2016 headlines:   Michelle Obama hits 400 pounds In the year 2016   Coroner completes Boehner suicide investigation In the year 2016   Democrat Convention: Hillary Clinton picks Dennis Rodman for VP; Lyndsey Graham to be GOP candidate In the year 2016   RNC releases latest ‘What Went Wrong’ report In the year … Read more

An ass, holding its jaw bone

  – Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein   A corrupt ass, too: 1-After Feinstein’s unsuccessful California gubernatorial race in 1990, she was fined $190,000 for failure to properly report campaign contributions. (Oops!) 2-In 2003, Feinstein was ranked the fifth wealthiest senator, with an estimated net worth of $26 million. Somehow, by 2005 her net worth had … Read more