The traitors running the GOP: they are now coordinating their attacks on conservatives with the left

  And you thought Obama was the ‘enemy within?’   Jennifer Rubin wrote a blog post blasting Tea Partiers yesterday. That followed a New York Times Op-Ed on Tuesday written by former RNC Research Director David Welch comparing Tea Partiers to Birchers. Also this week, Boehner kicked Tea Partiers off important committees.   STARVE … Read more

Today is a new day

THE PLAN FOR ACTION: Much like we admonish the “takers,” we’d be as big of a group of losers as they are if we failed to fight for what is ours — namely, our country and our way of life. We cannot hide in a hole and deprive ourselves of what we worked so hard … Read more

The left’s new target: the military.

  Yes folks, the left is  now actively targeting the military. Not too hard when you have a traitor as commander-in-chief. If you read the fine print of the Associated Propaganda article — as first published, of course, by the Huffington Post — it turns out the “little Missy” had “clinical depression.” In other words, … Read more

It’s about @#$%ing time!

    Support these people. They’ve got your back. Unlike Boehner and Cantor, they won’t stick a knife in it.   After 20 years as an under-performing, corrupt, backstabbing hack, it’s time to send John Boehner back to wherever the hell he came from — and  have him take Eric Cantor with him.   Conservative … Read more

And you thought Obama was incompetent?

Boehner, Cantor, Preibus: clueless — absolutely clueless.   (Are you still willing to put your future in the hands of these three failures? — Or will you demand their resignations?)     Nice guys (maybe), but in over their heads.

Something you need to think about

Who is the bigger fool:   1- An Obama voter/donor.   2- A GOP voter/donor, who  — despite the outrageous incompetence of the GOP leadership and the treason against them by the very people they voted into office — tolerates these people remaining in power, both in Congress and in GOP party leadership positions.   … Read more

What goes around, comes around: Boehner’s failed coup attempted against Newt Gingrich, when Gingrich was Speaker —

This is what needs to be done against Boehner, only successfully — and quick: In the summer of 1997 several House Republicans, who saw Speaker Newt Gingrich’s public image as a liability, attempted to replace him as Speaker. The attempted “coup” began July 9 with a meeting between Republican conference chairman Boehner and Republican leadership … Read more

McCain. Again.

McCain gets fed up with fellow Republican, says ‘lends some credence’ to idea of filibuster reform:

Scummy Obama-intimate Susan Rice isn’t merely a liar: her allegiance to our country is a farce. She has literally sold herself — for $44 million — to Iran:

The secretary of state position will be opening up as the failed Hillary Clinton gets dumped.   Will the GOP let Obama replace a drunk with a skunk?   AP BY: Adam Kredo November 29, 2012 4:32 pm   The portfolio of embattled United Nations Ambassador Susan Rice includes investments of hundreds of thousands of … Read more

Here’s the kind of balls we need in the GOP leadership:

Female Mexican Mayor Maria Santos Gorrostieta Killed by Gunmen was Defiant to the End: Mexican Mayor María Santos Gorrostieta has become a symbol of the country’s fight against its ruthless drug cartels. One of the photos published in a local newspaper shows the scars she had sustained in the two assassination attempts on her … Read more