The United States of Stupid wins a Pyrrihc victory

The citizens of the United States of Stupid have won a Pyrrhic victory.   For you Barack Obama and Elizabeth Warren voters, a Pyrrhic victory  is a victory with a devastating cost. Someone who wins a “Pyrrhic victory” has been victorious in some way, but the heavy toll their victory will take upon them will … Read more

Kevin DuJan:

  From Kevin DuJan, author of Couldn’t have said it better:   God Has a Plan. Tomorrow We Regroup and Push Forward. Posted on November 6, 2012 by Kevin DuJan // Hillbuzz The Left was much stronger than we thought. Tonight was a crushing blow. America is not the place we thought it was.  … Read more

And you thought this was mere rhetoric…

  “We cannot continue to rely only on our military in order to achieve the national security objectives that we’ve set. We’ve got to have a civilian national security force that’s just as powerful, just as strong, just as well-funded.” -Barack Obama, 2008   It’s coming.     Zzzzzz…

Five ways the corrupt American news media tipped the scales in favor of Obama

  Dictators are people who have enough luck with regard to the circumstances that got them to the unlikely position they wind up in. They’re often lucky in the form of help from stupid, corrupt people in positions of influence and power — like the corrupt American news media.     See the article:

History always repeats itself.

  1940: Faces of Frenchmen upon hearing of the the fall of their country to fascists   The fall of France, only six weeks after initial Nazi assault, came as a shock and surprise to many.  No matter what incident prompted him to cry, the French civilian cries across decades from his faded photograph. He … Read more


Do you believe the democrat razor-sharp victories margins were the result of massive voter fraud efforts by the left, the democrats and the Obama campaign? We do. Our collective idiocy in allowing “no voter ID” along with blatant democrat corruption at the polls cost us our nation, and our futures and our freedom.   Bit … Read more

Message to Obama voters:

  You re-elected this piece of @#$%, not us.   Now, you live with the consequences of the divisiveness and stalemate that comes along with him.   We aren’t budging.  

America the Beautiful, Rest In Peace

  You thought you knew your fellow citizens. Now you know you don’t.   It’s over. The America we knew and loved is gone.   It was a great run while it lasted. But like all good things, it has come to an end.   Great Nation, I will miss you. The free world will … Read more


  BREAKING:  -GOP Court-appointed election monitors in the Philadelphia Black wards have been booted from their polling places. (Ballot-stuffing!) – The New Black Panthers are out again in front of Philly polling places.     “I’m just sitting this election out. Good luck to the rest of you. Who’s running, anyway?”   FIRE THIS CLOWN.

Obama’s going-away (or staying) present to America: returning us to the energy stone age. Among other things…

  November surprise: EPA planning major post-election anti-coal regulation   Obama’s Environmental Protection Agency has devoted an unprecedented number of bureaucrats to finalizing new anti-coal regulations that are set to be released at the end of November.  Never before have so many EPA resources been devoted to a single regulation. The independent and non-partisan Manhattan … Read more

Tomorrow: a future for America or a Soviet state?

Tomorrow about this time whether our way of life will remain, or will we need to fear posting on blogs for want of a visit by a Richard Trumka goon send by the White House.   If we prevail, we can never let anyone forget the bullet we dodged.   Win or lose, the first … Read more

College Indoctrination: ‘Study’ Say Teens With Lesbian Mothers Do Better In School, Happier In Life (Really?)   “That’s funny!”   Just who was this study done by? It was done by The Williams Institute.   What is the Williams Institute? The Williams Institute is a gay, lesbian and transgender ‘think tank’ at UCLA Law that produces ‘research’ and disseminates it to judges, legislators, policymakers, media (in this case, CBS, … Read more


The Democrat War on Children:   How corrupt California Democrat politicians –Betsy Butler in particular, a woman running for Congress who has been paid off by a corrupt teacher’s union — protect sexual perverts teaching and molesting children:   Why California Democrats Protect Sex Abuser Teachers — and How Betsy Butler torpedoed teacher-sex pervert legislation: … Read more

‘Think tank’ funded by Nazi-sympathizer and Obama-intimate George Soros: trash U.S. military personnel benefits   Gee, is Soros’ ‘think tank’ an outfit we oughta be paying attention to?  Not sure? Hard to tell? Maybe —   — IF YOU’RE AN IDIOT!     “Well, I’m an idiot.”   “I’m also an idiot. (How could anyone not tell I’m an idiot?)”   “Me too! Me too!”   “I’ve eaten … Read more

Too stupid to vote. (Maybe that’s a good thing.)   Nonvoters: ‘They’re too busy, fed up or say their vote doesn’t count:’   Tabitha Brown, 29, of Oregon, says she won’t vote because she finds her ballot too confusing. “I’m just a simple girl,” she said. “Dumb it down for us.”   Message to Tabitha:, there’s a point where ‘dumbed-down’ and talking to … Read more


Sacramento Veteran Pollster Fired Over Question to Supervisor re ‘U.N. Observers’ at Polling Place: Shannon wrote in her email, “these are not our usual pollsters; they can’t vote here, and therefore have no business in/about our elections.” She was fired in minutes. Sacramento Veteran Pollster Fired Over Protest Against U.N. Observers   BREAKING: NAACP Takes Over … Read more

Gun control in New York

The pathetic measures New Yorkers have had to resort to, to protect themselves from looters in light of Obamas’ and Bloombergs’ failures to rescue the city in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy: Queens residents arm themselves in the post-storm blackout from looters Residents feel isolated and some use guns, baseball bats, booby traps — even … Read more

Colin Powell goes into hiding after endorsing Obama

Former Secretary of State Colin Powell, a retired general and long-serving Republican, has gone into hiding after his endorsement of Barack Obama, whose national security policies have contradicted Powell’s most prominent contributions to public policy.   “Cause once you go black, you can’t go back.” America’s ‘ano,’ Colon Powell: