The nation burns. Romney runs. The GOP sleeps.

  Obama campaign accepted and may be hiding further foreign Web donations:;s=kLzcpKGJhuxYb3E8K0E2106;fitScript=0/f/mobile/news/national/bam_blind_eye_to_illegal_donors_8SWotytr1RvbhyDCRyyrEL   h/t: Chris       Le zzzzzzz….

This is what we’re up against, folks.

  If it’s not denial our on side, cowardice by the GOP, RINOs eager to sell us out, or ignorance among highly functioning people in all our workplaces (did you hear that, Hollywood?), it’s people like this: .   To view the video, here’s the link:

Well, Mathews finally said it. And he means it. Every word of it.

  This is not a matter of “if” anymore: What camp or prison or gulag will you be put in if these people gain further control of our government and you continue to voice criticism? (Read: if Obama is re-elected.)   MSNBC’s Matthews claims it’s unconstitutional for Romney to challenge Obama (Mathews means it.) … Read more

The nauseating Michelle Obama

  To Everything There is a season And a time to every purpose, under Heaven A time to be born, a time to die A time to plant, a time to reap A time to kill, a time to heal A time to laugh, a time to weep A time to throw up:   Michelle … Read more

Gloria the Red about to slander Romney

NO JOKE:   DRUDGE: Media whore and Democrat shill Gloria Allred is poised to put forward a fabricated (a ‘lie,’ to the rest of us) sex-scandal concerning Mitt Romney:   “Fascism is good for business — so Bill Clinton’s rapes never bothered me.  Nor does Obama being a closet gay. But that pervert Mitt Romney? … Read more

It’s not ‘optimal’ that this lunatic is running our government:

Truly: what fool would vote for this clown after hearing this?   ‘If four Americans get killed, it’s not OPTIMAL’: Obama’s extraordinary response to Comedy Central question about shifting story after Benghazi attack    

Another Democrat caught cheating on her taxes — for the SECOND TIME! Rep. Lois Capps — cheating the U.S. out of $500,000.00!

California Democratic Rep. Lois Capps has been caught failing to report income to the U.S. House of Representatives again – this time for leaving more than half a million dollars off her required congressional disclosure forms.   Democrats always want to raise everyone’s taxes. Yet they pathologically refuse to pay their own.   “I’m going … Read more

Boo Springsteen!

    Bruce Springsteen is all in it for Barack Obama — a man not simply the worst president in the history of the United States, but a man who is a lunatic — and a grossly incompetent and corrupt one. (He also married a gorilla. Is that legal?),0,1574033.story  

Michelle Obama breaks rules and claps at debate:       Michelle Obama: ‘On Nov. 7 We’re Going to Party Hard’ (But is she merely setting herself up to go ape when voters boot out her and her fraud, closet-gay husband?)     “Bananas? I don’t see any @#$%ing bananas. *grunt!* And big deal — everyone in Chicago knows Barry is … Read more

The Romney-Crowley Debate 2012, Moderated by Barack Obama

    Once again: BIG FAT lies aided by a BIG FAT Democrat leftist hack.   “Is there something you’re trying to say?” *snort!* -Big fat leftist Chicago teacher union head Karen Lewis       -Obama with his big fat surgeon general, Regina ‘Hundred Over’ Benjamin       “She’s not fat. I’m fat.” … Read more

For the best in fiction: “Once Upon a New York Times…”

  Fraud. Propaganda. Corruption. Leftism’s  ground zero. The New York Times.   New York Times’ own public editor: “You lying sacks of @#$%!”   The NY Times’ own public editor calls out the newspaper (right, it’s a newspaper — and if my grandmother had wheels, she’d be a bicycle) for keeping Obama-Clinton Libya scandal hearings … Read more