A lowlife never changes his spots. Especially a lowlife named Harry Ried.

Amazingly, this piece of garbage is the top Senator in the U.S. Senate. And he’s a Democrat — of course.   Democrat Senator Harry Reid ties sequester to deaths of seven Marines   “@#$% ’em. Being political pawns is all these guys are ever good for.” http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/19/harry-reid-ties-sequester-to-the-deaths-of-seven-marines-video/#ixzz2O2sM6n1J   Then there’s this other piece of garbage … Read more

The leftist destruction of UCLA

The professor of science who blew the whistle on vast eco-fraud in California government and the fraudulent teaching credentials of ‘eco-instructors’ at UCLA sues for his job after being fired in retaliation:   The importance of his work on behalf of Californians cannot be understated. The Environmental Health Sciences professor has been fighting the false … Read more

We can thank Google for both of these developments

  The driverless car: Google self-driving car breaks law: http://www.nbcnews.com/id/40458418/ns/technology_and_science-wireless/     The leaderless presidency: Obama’s Dysfunctional White House: Leaderless, Paranoid And Radical The Obama administration is a mess, filled with paranoid political hacks who select radical left-wing whackos for high level jobs, who pretend to want to work with Republicans, and who cover for … Read more

Ted Cruz hits back at sellout RINO at MSNBC

This is how you do it. It’s not so hard. Ted Cruz hits back at MSNBC’s co-house RINO, ‘Jerkoff Joe:’ http://dailycaller.com/2013/03/16/ted-cruz-hits-back-at-scarborough-for-willfully-ignorant-remarks-video/#ixzz2Np5mVWBA “That’s all.”

Morons of the Congressional Black Caucus: a continuing series

Rep. Sheila Jackass Lee: Sequester is like Japanese ‘Tsunami  — ‘it may come when we’re away in work recess.’ http://cnsnews.com/news/article/rep-jackson-lee-sequester-japanese-tsunami-it-may-come-when-were-away-work-recess   Rep. Hank ‘Hold-my’ Johnson: On midgets: “I was thinking to myself earlier today, what happens when you put in a cage fight a giant with a midget?” Johnson said then. “Well, the midget will … Read more

Government Steering Americans Toward a Tele-Work, Tele-Shop, Mass-Transit Future

http://cnsnews.com/news/article/government-steering-americans-toward-tele-work-tele-shop-mass-transit-future   — That is, unless you’ve raised enough money for Obama, like Yahoo Obama-ditz Marissa Mayer: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer causes uproar with telecommuting ban Corporate America’s most famous working mother –Obama-ditz Marissa Mayer — has banned her employees from working at home — takes away the flexible working arrangements that many Yahoo employees … Read more

Rand Paul at CPAC:

  “The GOP of old has grown stale and moss-covered. I don’t think we need to name any names, do we?” ( — JOHN MCCAIN!)   “Our party is encumbered by an inconsistent approach to freedom. ”  ( — LYNDSEY GRAHAM!)   “The new GOP ( — BYE-BYE BOEHNER!) will need to embrace liberty in … Read more

Is this the writing on the wall for Obama, too?

  Ex-Detroit mayor convicted, ridiculed Kilpatrick’s disastrous two terms as mayor ended in 2008, when then-Gov. Jennifer Granholm forced him out of office. Throughout the trial, prosecutors painted a picture of a struggling Detroit, teetering on the brink of total economic collapse, left in the corrupt hands of Kilpatrick’s mafia-style leadership. Anyone who wanted to … Read more

Feds Spend $1.500,000 to study obese lesbians

http://radio.foxnews.com/toddstarnes/top-stories/feds-spend-1-5-million-to-study-obese-lesbians.html   The startling results: They’re fat because, like Hillary Clinton, they eat too much food and drink too much liquor.  

How dumb is the GOP leadership? This dumb:

As budget battles resume, Republicans hope Obama ‘sincere’ in compromise efforts http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/03/10/republican-leaders-wary-obama-new-courting-efforts-as-budget-battles-resume/   “Corrupt Commies are people, too, ya know.”     “I am not a dictator. This week only.”

New leftist crisis: krazy killer kontagious diseases. And: blame it on the drug companies.

  The disease of leftism marches on. The newest scam in their ongoing efforts for government to seize control of private industry:   Resistance to antibiotics risks health ‘catastrophe’ to rank with terrorism and climate change: “We may have to work with the pharmaceutical companies in public-private partnerships, and we may have to do some … Read more

Crazy Pelosi update:

  What comes out of this woman’s mouth (aside from her false teeth) is too funny not to quote — even to low information voters:   From the demented woman who said of Obamacare, ‘We have to pass it to see what’s in it:’   Crazy Pelosi: ‘This President Has Been So Respectful … to … Read more


After Obama buys them lunch, RINOs McCain and Graham attack Rand Paul for opposition to our government killing us on our own soil!   Speaking of soil:   http://nbcpolitics.nbcnews.com/_news/2013/03/07/17225441-mccain-graham-assail-rand-paul-on-targeted-killings-policy?lite   McCain and Graham, you are two whores of the worst sort. Here’s a hearty @#$% you to both of you, and one to that whore … Read more

Obama Is Using Google to Spy On American Citizens

  Before a lunatic like Obama murders an American with a bomb dropped from a drone, he’ll need a little information to later slander the victim, won’t he?    “That is correct. Seig heil.” -Obama dirt-gatherer, David Axelrod     FBI ‘secretly spying’ on Google users, company reveals http://www.foxnews.com/tech/2013/03/06/fbi-ecretly-spying-on-google-users-company-reveals/   We warned you. It’s coming. … Read more

For a change: some good news!

Hugo Chavez Is Dead. Our eternal gratitude to the ‘Castrocare’ doctors who killed him. http://www.foxnews.com/world/2013/03/05/venezuelan-president-hugo-chavez-dead-vp-says/   Hey doctores, we have another patient for you:      

Mittens Romney: Four months later, and the guy still doesn’t know why he lost

Romney: I Lost Because Minorities Love Obamacare http://thinkprogress.org/health/2013/03/03/1663671/romney-i-lost-because-minorities-love-obamacare/?mobile=nc   — What?   Our commentary from last summer, redux:     Romney, Re-Thinks His Obama “Nice Young Man” Comment:   “I’m not a murderer. I’m positive of that.”   “Am I going crazy, or that Ann Coulter right? — And did I misinterpret Boehner’s advice that … Read more