Little Hitler wants a crackdown on the Second Amendment. He ain’t gettin’ it: 57,000,000 of us are not John Boehner.

CBS News: ‘Fast and Furious’ Gun Found At Site Where Mexican Beauty Queen Killed   Obama Openly Hints at Dictatorship Obama Openly Hints at Dictatorship   Obama administration, Congress quietly let school security funds lapse     “I’m more scared than ever.” “And I’m more arrogant than ever! Why shouldn’t I be??”

BREAKING — FOX NEWS REPORTS BOEHNER FOLDING ON TAXES: Outrage! The sell-out by the GOP leadership and the incredible incompetence of John Boehner amazingly continues.   Our mocking title, “Boehner von Hindenburg” is proving to be frighteningly accurate.   We put this hack in office, as well as the hacks who voted him in. We fund the party — entirely. We do not … Read more

The argument against Boehner — and from people much more sympathetic (boy, is that an understatement) to Boehner than The Fine Report:

  Boehner is no match for Obama on the national stage. He cannot press the economic arguments articulately. He does not have a compelling personality. Obama is running circles around Boehner with outrageous falsehoods, and Boehner cannot raise a peep to challenge him. Boehner has managed to allow Obama to turn the Bush middle class … Read more

Some good news: the world will soon be rid of Hugo Chavez

  After several botched treatments by Cuba’s ‘Obamacare’ doctors, terminal ass Hugo Chávez’s cancer of his ass is terminal:     Unedited photo:

Bottle, gas, oil, tape and rag control — now!

  If the bastard who recently shot up a school didn’t have a gun — but was intent on committing a massacre — he  could have walked into that same school with a knapsack full of Molotov cocktails (bottles filled with gasoline and motor oil, with a well-taped gas-soaked rag stuffed in the opening) and … Read more

Crises at the Kremlin

          Obama’s Asia team caught off guard, partying when North Korean missile launched:   Head of the Asia team:

Another school massacre

So America — — how’s that narcissism working for ya!   Connecticut school shooting: 26 killed, gunman dead,0,4678476.story   If you think the epitome of, and most dangerous manifestation of America’s cultural narcissism is a school massacre , it isn’t.   It is the election of this lunatic:   You’ll soon learn that — … Read more

Obama @#$%holes of the day: His Messengers to the Ignorant

  Official Messengers to the Ignorant of the Obama administration:   Michelle Obama opens her @#$%hole: Republicans are Liars; Republicans sought to win the election by spending “unprecedented amounts of money,” running negative advertising, and committing voter suppression. Michelle Suggests Republicans are Liars   Nancy Pelosi opens her @#$%hole: GOP for not caring about Kwanzaa … Read more

Obama intimate Harry Belefonte: The only thing left for Barack Obama to do is work like a third world dictator and put political opponents in jail   This symbol is not parody — nor is it an exaggeration anymore. Obama hasn’t even begun his second term, and his supporters are demanding fascism.   Still don’t believe it? Ask yourself this: Do you think Belefonte would have booked himself on Fox News have said what he did without having consulted with … Read more

BREAKING: THE SCUMMY SUSAN RICE BOOTED OUT OF THE RUNNING TO REPLACE SECRETARY OF INEBRIATION, HILLARY CLINTON; NEXT UP COULD SECRETARY OF KETCHUP, JOHN KERRY   See? What was so hard?   Now, let’s get rid of this backstabbing loser:         Secretary of Ketchup and fraudulent war hero, John Kerry:     Secretary of Inebriation and fraudulent everything, Hillary Clinton: *hic*  

The incredible parallels between 2012 and 1932:

  1932: Hope and change, 1932-3: … On January 30…Hindenburg waited in the other room to give Hitler the chancellorship….Around noon on January 30, 1933, a new chapter in German history began as a teary-eyed Adolf Hitler emerged from the presidential palace as Chancellor of the German Nation. Surrounded by admirers, he got into his … Read more

‘Morning Jerkoff’ Joe Scarborough

Jerkoff Joe GOP: Punch ‘bullies,’ ‘cowards’ on talk radio in the face   Our answer to Jerkoff Joe:    

Obama’s attack on rural America:

  Obama’s USDA chief: “Rural America becoming less relevant”   WASHINGTON (AP) — Obama’s Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack has some harsh words for rural America: It’s “becoming less and less relevant,” he says. A month after an election that Democrats won even as rural parts of the country voted overwhelmingly Republican, the former Democratic governor … Read more

Good news on the ‘get rid of Boehner’ front:

  The clueless, backstabbing ‘Jane’ Boehner can be removed from his position as House Squeaker if 16 Republicans do not vote for him in January, leaving her one vote shy of the number necessary to be re-elected. The American Majority Action is working toward that end.   Support them: they’ve got balls and they’ve … Read more