Democrat psycho-in-chief Nancy Pelosi holds “I hate the U.S. and all its Jews” fundraiser

Democratic leader Rep. Crazy Nancy Pelosi headlined a high-dollar fundraiser in May that was attended by U.S.-based Islamist groups and individuals linked by the U.S. government to the Hamas jihad group and to the Egypt-based Muslim Brotherhood movement: “Jews are no good. They eat babies, remember? And most Americans aren’t much better. We need … Read more

Obama: “Voting is the best revenge!” (So will they be coming for YOU?)   “Revenge?” Revenge against what?    And will they be coming to you when they seek revenge?   Win or lose, we must never forget how sick and how dangerous this hateful fraud calling himself ‘Barack Obama’ has finally proven himself to be.     “I’ll get mine, too — right after I cut … Read more


TV Actor Visiting NY: “Storm aftermath ‘a lot worse than how it’s being portrayed by ‘media’” -finding bodies everywhere -no power -no gasoline -food shortages -water shortages     Bloomingidiotberg gives news media covering non-existent N.Y. Marathon massive power generators instead of thousands of New Yorkers in the dark: -Reichfuhrer Michael Bloomberg   … Read more

Election fraud running rampant

Republican National Committee alleges voting machine “troubles” in Nevada and other swing states   “You fools — what did you expect?”       Zzzzzzz….  


Well, whattaya know… Obama’s Literary Agent in 1991 Booklet: ‘Born in Kenya and raised in Indonesia and Hawaii’   Is there anything about this clown that’s not a lie?  

Dumb and Dumber

“‘False Hope:’ Was Hillary Clinton Right About Obama?” (Pathetically, Obama was right about Hillary Clinton. Nevertheless…)  

Majority Of Israelis Want Romney As President Israel is a democracy — a bastion of freedom in a barbaric land rife with medieval oppression, mutilation and murder.   Now take a look at the foreign leaders who want ‘Barack Obama’ as president (and are secretly — and illegally — funneling money to his campaign): -Dictator Hugo Chavez -Dictator Mahmoud Ahmadinejad -Dictator … Read more

David Horowitz’s “” is a database of “disguised” subversive organizations targeting our country:

Watch this introduction to a brief overview of the powerful website and tool produced by the David Horowitz’s Freedom Center to expose the left’s goal of fundamentally changing America, and the disguises these organizations mask themselves in. Visit the site:         Zzzzzz….

YET ANOTHER of Obama’s ‘hate’ preachers!

Obama’s inauguration reverend (Joseph Lowery): “All whites are going to hell”       “They are?? Who the hell told me?  How am I supposed to accommodate all these people without a reservation?!”     “Maybe dat‘s why dey always say, ‘da devil is in da details.’”

The Fat Lady Stinks:

  A Detailed Look at Michelle Obama’s Radical Marxist Past:   The hate you see on this face was created somewhere. Nobody is born this ugly…

An Obama voter. (You think?)

California woman wants roadside memorial to honor fish killed in truck crash   The woman, a local volunteer with PETA (from their  Department of Fish?) is requesting a street sign at the intersection to honor fish who died in a truck accident.     “All those fishies are ‘swimming with the fishies!’  BWAAAAAHH!!!!!!!”   … Read more

More dialogue from a fictional character called ‘Barack Obama:’

  Rev. Danny Kirk, Texas pastor, fatally beaten with electric guitar:     His fascism, hate and the destruction left in his path not withstanding — we will miss this clown’s buffoonery:  

The Fat Lady Stinks:

  A video accounting of the grotesque Michelle Obama’s blowing of millions and millions of our dollars on herself.  Have a vomit bag ready:  

Obama and Biden yuck it up

  American soldiers standing guard in a storm at the Tomb of the Unknown Solider.     “Are they gonna kill themselves, or what??” CNN founder Ted Turner, who recently stated American soldiers committing suicide was a good thing. Turner was once married to traitor Jane Fonda.

Is the country this stupid, or are pollsters this bad?

Poll: 18% of Americans think Obama is Jewish   Eighteen percent of Americans inexplicably think that President Barack Obama is Jewish, according to a new poll.   A survey commissioned by the Associated Press and conducted by GfK asked respondents to identify Obama’s religion from a list of possibilities. Thirty five percent said Obama had … Read more