An ass, holding its jaw bone


Diane Feinstein holding jawbone 2

– Democrat Senator Diane Feinstein


A corrupt ass, too:

1-After Feinstein’s unsuccessful California gubernatorial race in 1990, she was fined $190,000 for failure to properly report campaign contributions. (Oops!)
2-In 2003, Feinstein was ranked the fifth wealthiest senator, with an estimated net worth of $26 million. Somehow, by 2005 her net worth had increased up to $99 million. (Magic!)
3-In January 2009, the issue was raised whether Feinstein violated Senate ethics rules to avoid appearances of conflicts of interest when she introduced legislation that gave $25 billion to the Federal Deposit Insurance Corp. to help finance an FDIC proposal to avoid home foreclosures by promoting loan workouts and increasing federal loan guarantees. Just before the FDIC had signed a contract with CBRE, her husband’s firm, to unload foreclosed properties for prices higher than industry averages. (Oops, again!)


Instead of gun control, shouldn’t we have elected-crook control?