Obama’s plan for Egypt is Obama’s plan for America

Obama and Hillary Clinton (following along, drunk and stupid)  forced the radical Muslim Brotherhood into positions of leadership in Egypt. They did not count on the push-back by the Egyptian military. Now the country is plunged into murderous chaos, with Muslim Brotherhood mobs murdering their opposition.


As demonstrated by his record in Chicago, his importing of radical Islamist immigrants into America, his decimating immigration enforcement,  his actions in Libya and Egypt, his destruction of the U.S. economy, and his creating hatred between the races, Barack Obama has shown he has the same monsterous plan for America as he had for Egypt.


Take a look at your future, if you don’t demand his impeachment and the repeal of Obamacare — a law that has less to do with health care than enabling fascist control of our country by a handful of leftists:




Ready to fail againl


Never forget these words from crazy Nancy Pelosi, on the 2,700 page Obamacare law that she forced through Congress:


“We have to pass it to see what’s in it!”

Nancy Pelosi squeezing

-Crazy Nancy Pelosi, passing something, aside from a monsterous, fascist enabling act.


Nancy pelosi soils the air