Democratic strategist: Party ‘in decline’

  No kidding — cheer up: One of the Democrats’ most veteran strategists warns that the party is “in decline” and “at considerable risk” when President Barack Obama is no longer on the scene. “Since Obama was elected President, the Democrats have lost nine governorships, 56 members of the House and two Senate seats,” Doug … Read more

Time to indict lying IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman with contempt of Congress — and hold Barack Obama responsible

Former IRS Commissioner Douglas Shulman told Congress the agency was not targeting groups based on their conservative views: “There’s absolutely no targeting. This is the kind of back and forth that happens to people” who apply for tax-exempt status, he told a House Ways and Means subcommittee.   CUT TO: The IRS acknowledging that it … Read more

There are ‘Rhodes scholars’ and there are ‘Rhodes scandals.’

Add Barack Obama and CBS ‘News,’ and you have a Rhodes scandal: Top Obama official’s (Ben Rhodes) brother (David Rhodes) who is president of CBS News, may fire CBS reporter for accurate Benghazi scandal coverage THE SUSPECTS: Corrupt piece of @#$% number one, Ben Rhodes:   Corrupt piece of @#$% number two, David Rhodes: … Read more

Jodi Arias Named New President of NBC News

NBC News, a division of General Electric, announced Jodi Arias will be the new president of its news division. NBC News Group Chairwoman Patricia Krushel said she is excited to welcome Arias aboard. Asked why was Arias was chosen, Krushnel said, “Jodi represents the most skilled of the type of pathological liar that has long … Read more

If you love Obamacare, you’ll love Schumer’s immigration bill that Rubio is fronting for

  Schumer’s immigration scam — detailed, damning analysis of the 1,000 page proposed law: The bill is a cocktail of lawlessness, executive discretion, and legalistic trickery crafted by the organized, open-borders left. The bill and Rubio provides tough talking points – border security, background checks, and more. But hidden next to those talking points are off-switches that … Read more

Dangerous pathological liars

Jodi Arias:   Janet Arias:   Hillary Arias:   Barry Arias   Susan Arias:   Nancy Arias:   Harry Arias:   Michelle Arias:     Media Arias: CBS News Bosses Irked by Correspondent’s Thorough Benghazi Reporting   Democrat Arias: Hillary Clinton Accepts Public Service Award On Day of Benhghazi Hearings from ‘Ready for Hillary … Read more

The coming Benghazi Congressional hearings: Hillary Rotten Clinton is about to be exposed — again — for the corrupt, lying incomptent fool she is. Same, for Barack Obama.

      “Nobody has been first lady, senator and  secretary of Inebriation — and each time, fell flat on her face.  But we have to elect her president to see if it’s true that she has no idea what she’s doing.” -Crazy Nancy Pelosi, who voters booted out of office in 2010.   Ugly-memory … Read more

Sheriff Useful Idiot, or Sheriff Hitler?

AN UNFATHOMABLE DISGRACE TO AMERICAN LAW ENFORCEMENT OFFICERS AND SOLDIERS WHO HAVE AND WOULD FIGHT AND DIE TO PROTECT OUR FREEDOM:   Palm Beach, Florida Sheriff: “We Want People To Call Us If The Guy Down The Street Says He Hates The Government” Recently, a nationally renown law-enforcement author, Jim Donahue, who was arrested after … Read more

Joseph Biden speaks of a ‘snake’ in the bed of 12 to 14 year old girls.   A horrifying Freudian slip if there ever was one:   “When they’re 12 to 14, a dad puts his beautiful little daughter to bed. And then the next morning, there’s a snake in the bed.” -Joseph Biden May 2, 2013   Have you ever heard an adult male not in prison refer to … Read more

As China marches into the future, Mayor Bloomingidiotberg races to the past (for the rest of us, anyway)

  New York, New York?     Mass installation of bicycle racks is harming NY small businesses   NY’s Shady Towing Practices To Make Room For Bike Stations   Bloomingidiotberg expects you to get around in New York weather like this on a bicycle? (While he rides in his limo, of course.)   The … Read more

Barack Obama housing nominee: ‘Most white people won’t vote for a black candidate and they should be excluded from democratic process’ Hate is great, isn’t it? Good thing we elected a president who works hard at spreading it.    The ugliest period in American history continues:   Barack Obama is nominating a racist to take over the FHFA, which regulates Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac. Mel Watt, virulent racist and Obama friend -Sheila Jackass Lee, … Read more

Last rhinos in Mozambique killed by poachers   A very, very sad day for us wildlife lovers. Who could do this?   Maybe we should force these guys to do some RINO hunting here.    

The inspiring Barack Obama

  American yard sale inspired by Barack Obama, 2008:   Syrian Islamic yard sale inspired by Barack Obama, 2013: h/t American barbeque inspired by Barack Obama, 2008:   Syrian Islamic barbeque, inspired by Barack Obama, 2013:   And let’s not forget this clown’s role in the Syrian catastrophe (among many others):   Mm-mm-good.

Congress to investigate DHS purchase of strange ammunition that no gun in the DHS inventory can fire

    “Okay, it was for the big DHS Easter party.”     THE OBAMA/DHS SCANDAL THE DEMOCRAT MEDIA HAS TRIED TO HIDE:   Napolitano promoted woman with whom she had sexual relationship while her female staff tormented male colleagues Geraldo Rivera: ‘Lesbian Cabal’ Running Homeland Security Napolitano accused in massive DHS lesbian … Read more

Communist goals that have been met in America, and those that are ongoing (hopefully, this will freak you out)

There is a the noted book called  “The Naked Communist,” written in the early 1960s, that revealed not just the Communist plan to take over America, but articulated the goals that Communists believed were necessary for their plan to work.   Below is a partial list from the book. Read it, and see not only … Read more

The University of Connecticuit football logo: a one useful-idiot controversy

  This college ‘guy’ is a rapist?      Then what is this guy?   Or this guy?   Or this guy?

No matter where you stand in the abortion debate…

  …it’s come to this. This was no ‘non-viable embryo.’ This was a live baby. The killing of this kid was murder — and no different than killing a kid with explosives at a marathon. The government-sanctioned killing of countless of American children simply because they are born alive, is genocide. The debate over abortion … Read more

Shake hands with Michelle Obama! ( — but wear gloves)

h/t: No wig or pop-up ad on an awards show is going to make a silk purse out of this sow.   Rasta Man in-law, John Boehner. Read all about it:

How long before tiny minorities of people like these begin planting explosives and start killing and maiming people — and change, for the rest of us, our entire way of life?

  Naked female protesters claiming to be ‘feminists’ attack Catholic archbishop as he prays quietly     Right.  They’re ‘feminists.’ How about they’re radical leftists, who happen to be lesbians? How about they’re hypocritical radical leftists who happen to be lesbians? — Let’s see them try this on Islamists, in whose culture beating wives … Read more

NO JOKE: John Boehner’s Daughter to Marry Jamaican Pothead Construction Worker With Criminal Record When a limp-dick boozer raises a daughter, the daughter usually ends up marrying another limp-dick boozer. (In this case, a pothead construction worker with a record.)     Ladies and gentlemen, the son-in-law:   h/t If there was ever an illustration of what a loser John Boehner is as a choice for anything … Read more

BREAKING: BOEHNER AND McCONNELL SECRETLY CONSPIRING WITH DEMOCRATS TO EXEMPT THEMSELVES AND THEIR AIDES FROM OBAMACARE   How @#$%ing stupid do they think we are??   This stupid: GOP Votes Boehner In Again As Speaker   Boehner’s number: (202) 225-6205 (202) 225-0704 fax   McConnell’s number: (202) 224-2541 (202) 224-2499 fax  


  ‘Democrat.’ Did you hear that? ‘Democrat.’ That’s the way they feel. Hear the recording for yourself: h/t:   If you’re a black person, you need to realize how you are targeted for use and disposal by the Democrat party, which has kept so many blacks impoverished, victimized, dependent, ignorant and filled with … Read more