The American News Media Comedy Hour — the laughs continue:

  NO JOKE: The “Society of Professional Journalists” has a ‘Code of Ethics!’   Preamble Members of the Society of Professional Journalists believe that public enlightenment is the forerunner of justice and the foundation of democracy. The duty of the journalist is to further those ends by seeking truth and providing a fair and … Read more

The American News Media Comedy Hour:

    Tonight – starring CBS!     CBS News Boss: “We’re Not Biased!”   The President of CBS News says CBS is ‘constantly diligent’ to make sure network does not reflect bias     “BWAAAAA- HAAA-HAAAA-HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”       “HAAAA-HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”       “BWAAAAA- HAAA!!!!”       “HAAA-HAAAA-HAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!”       … Read more

First Fatass: “Obesity ‘Absolutely’ Greatest Threat To National Security”

Yet another outrageously stupid comment from Michelle Obama:     But murdered US Ambassador Chris Stevens agrees:       Is Leftist-the-Hut Chicago teacher union-head Karen Lewis a threat to national security?       Is Obama’s fat Surgeon General Regina “Hundred Over” Benjamin a threat to national security? -Obama with his sturgeon … Read more

Organized Crime:

  JUST IMAGINE THE FIX THAT IS IN ON THE PRESIDENTIAL DEBATES — and wonder why the GOP agreed to the ‘moderators’ that they did:     Television ‘Press’ Caught Conspiring Biased Questions Against Mitt Romney 3:47 PM, Sep 12, 2012 • By DANIEL HALPER The blog has audio of the press coordinating which … Read more


  ‘Barack Obama’ Announces Talk-Show Appearance on Day He Snubs Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu on the Eve of a World War:       “Obama did not snub Prime Minister Netanyahu. There is no war brewing. Barack Obama is the hippest, coolest cat ever elected president.” -Corrupt ABC “News” hack and Obama shill, George Stephanopoulos … Read more

Investigators: Sebelius Committed a Criminal Act by Illegally Campaigning on Taxpayer Money

  “Obamacare Reichfuhrer” (this is no exaggeration, if you’ve read the Obamacare act) Katherine Sebelius:     “Hey man — where’s that broad Sebelius been all my life?” -Convicted murderer and wanna-be Reichfuhrer, Charles Manson       Is there any law that Obama breaks that this clown will enforce by virtue of … Read more


  It’s World War, both in the Middle East, and within the United States. Barack Obama and friends have set up the destruction of Israel. This long-planned event in Libya (which Obama had to have known about) is the opening salvo:   One of today’s victims: -US Ambassador Chris Stevens, murdered today in Libya along … Read more

Da Reverend Al On Da Teacher Strike:

“Dis is about educational justice! Dis is our Arab Spring – only without dem Arabs! We is in a time nationally where our students – black and dem brown students (including dem white brown students) – are under da pressure of dem privatizers who want to collect off dat pathology dat plagues our communities. Dat’s … Read more

Thanks, Barry! Thanks, Hillary!

  Muslims Storm U.S. Embassy in Cairo, Egypt:       “Make up your mind — was it in Cairo or Egypt?”     “You’re welcome.  *hic!*  Better pull over, I think I have to throw-up.” -Secretary of Inebriation, Hillary Clinton   White House declines Netanyahu request to meet with Obama: This is the first … Read more

Fla. officer in Obama motorcade struck, killed

  WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (AP) — A motorcycle police officer who was part of Barack Obama’s motorcade to a campaign event in Florida was killed Sunday.     “Does this mean he’ll stop loving me? Is he allowed to do that? — Valerie!? — Axelrod?!”  

Bozo the President

    Idiot-in-chief too busy to attend daily intelligence briefings. So he made up for it by missing all of his daily economic briefings:       Obama Can’t Figure Out How to Use an iPhone Clueless Obama Can’t Use an iPhone Flashback: Remember when Obama attacked McCain for not being able to use … Read more