Buffet:  “What the hell’s the matter with you? How did you get this all wrong? What was so hard? It’s all right here on page two! — Underlined! – And in big type! Don’t you read any of this crap I send you? And sit still, for God’s sake  — what do you, have a golf tee up your ass? And set your watch – it’s not even on the right time! You’d better start listening to me, you idiot: I’m not your ‘John Boehner.’ I am Warren Buffet, dammit. When I give you a rule, you get that rule straight! Understand?”


Obama: “Okay, okay — but I just don’t get all the percentage things. You know I’m not good at math.”


Buffet: “Just what the hell are you good at? You’re killing me! The whole country’s laughing at this. I lost half my hair since we stuck you in office. Listen to me, you Bill Ayers, Alinsky dumbbell: if you can’t keep my words straight from now on, don’t open your mouth unless you’re reading from a teleprompter. Got it? Don’t open your  mouth. And tell that Hitler-lookalike Axelrod to keep his mouth shut, too. I have yet to met anyone as stupid as the two of you seem to think most people are.”


Obama: Okay, okay. Can I go now?