The leftist destruction of UCLA

The professor of science who blew the whistle on vast eco-fraud in California government and the fraudulent teaching credentials of ‘eco-instructors’ at UCLA sues for his job after being fired in retaliation:   The importance of his work on behalf of Californians cannot be understated. The Environmental Health Sciences professor has been fighting the false … Read more

We can thank Google for both of these developments

  The driverless car: Google self-driving car breaks law:     The leaderless presidency: Obama’s Dysfunctional White House: Leaderless, Paranoid And Radical The Obama administration is a mess, filled with paranoid political hacks who select radical left-wing whackos for high level jobs, who pretend to want to work with Republicans, and who cover for … Read more

Ted Cruz hits back at sellout RINO at MSNBC

This is how you do it. It’s not so hard. Ted Cruz hits back at MSNBC’s co-house RINO, ‘Jerkoff Joe:’ “That’s all.”

Morons of the Congressional Black Caucus: a continuing series

Rep. Sheila Jackass Lee: Sequester is like Japanese ‘Tsunami  — ‘it may come when we’re away in work recess.’   Rep. Hank ‘Hold-my’ Johnson: On midgets: “I was thinking to myself earlier today, what happens when you put in a cage fight a giant with a midget?” Johnson said then. “Well, the midget will … Read more

Government Steering Americans Toward a Tele-Work, Tele-Shop, Mass-Transit Future   — That is, unless you’ve raised enough money for Obama, like Yahoo Obama-ditz Marissa Mayer: Yahoo CEO Marissa Mayer causes uproar with telecommuting ban Corporate America’s most famous working mother –Obama-ditz Marissa Mayer — has banned her employees from working at home — takes away the flexible working arrangements that many Yahoo employees … Read more