THE WAR ON MORONS: Attack the corrupt news media and educators that propagandize ‘low info’ voters, and you will finally reach them.



Our blogs are missing the mark. Most take aim at Obama.  But he’s the wrong target: he’s a nothing — a contrivance of our corrupt news and entertainment media and leftist educational institutions.  Most of our blogging efforts do little more than assuage the outrage among the ’59 million,’ because our blog information rarely, if ever, reaches the ‘low info’ voter. ‘Low info’ voters only watch ‘low info’ media sources or are indoctrinated by leftist educators.


But there is a way to change this: attack the corrupt media and educators themselves. Doing so will do two things: (1) create an atmosphere where ‘low info’ voters can begin to see they’re being ‘had;’ and (2) force the news media to actually do some true reporting and teachers to do some teaching. 


Without a completely corrupt news media and corrupt educators to continually wipe his behind, Barry Fudd will be shown to be the lunatic infant he is.


Attack the ‘low info’ media and education mouthpieces, and you will attack the root of the problem: the fiction of ‘Barack Obama.’


Could there be easier targets than people like MSNBC’s scandal-plagued Al Sharpton, or outrageous overpaid liars like Andrea Mitchell or Chris Mathews? Or, for that  matter, grotesques like Candycow Crowley?


Just as important: demand bold leadership in the GOP. Starve them until adequate leadership is put in place, instead of the backstabbing losers that have managed to take charge.


“You’ve got a point, dude!”


-Low information voter



A good place to start:

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