What is really behind the ‘gay marriage’ debate?


You think it’s gay marriage? Man, are you wrong.


Broadly speaking (no pun intended), this is all about destruction of the Constitution and the consolidation of power in the vacuum left in its absence.  Whoever holds power when the Constitution is destroyed, will hold power forever — as a dictator. The left has been loud and clear about wanting ‘Obama’ to have ‘dictatorial powers for a while.’

Remember such comments by the likes of Reuters, Harry Belafonte, La Raza, and others? They weren’t accidental utterances, but coordinated messaging:





That’s what they’re working towards. These people are smart, shrewd and gutsy — and nuts. But our big problem is the hacks entrenched in the GOP leadership: they are not gutsy, nor are they shrewd. And a good many of them are corrupt.

So we need to direct our energies against our own party instead of wasting them targeting the left. No one hears the conservative message except other conservatives. We need to $tarve and destroy the ‘RINO Cabal’ entrenched at the top of the GOP, take back the party and lead by example, to give the majority of the nation rational leadership they will be willing to follow. Until we do, we are on the losing side of history.

You wouldn’t trust your car to a GOP House Squeaker who belongs in a bra — so why your country?

Boehner in bra