You’ve been hearing it here for months: Peter King for GOP House Speaker


Imagine Barack Insane Obama trying to pull his b.s. on this guy? Separation of powers, baby!


Peter King: Halt donations to House GOP

Peter king trashes Boehner
New York Republican Rep. Peter King went to war with his Republican colleagues on Wednesday after leaders spiked a Hurricane Sandy relief bill, calling on New Yorkers to stop all donations to GOP House members.


“These Republicans have no problem finding New York when they’re out raising millions of dollars,” King said on Fox News. “They’re in New York all the time filling their pockets with money from New Yorkers. I’m saying right now, anyone from New York or New Jersey who contributes one penny to Congressional Republicans is out of their minds. Because what they did last night was put a knife in the back of New Yorkers and New Jerseyans. It was an absolute disgrace.”


In an interview with POLITICO, King placed the blame squarely on the shoulders of House Speaker John Boehner.



Boeher really crying

Had enough yet?