Jared Marcum, a student with a spotless record, was arrested for wearing an NRA shirt to school His father, Allen Lardieri, expressed indignation at the school. He had to rush from work to pick his son up from jail over a shirt. “I don’t’ see how anybody would have an issue with a hunting rifle and NRA put on a t-shirt, especially when policy doesn’t forbid it,” Lardieri said. “He did not violate any school policy,” Lardieri stated. “He did not become aggressive.” Lardieri said he will fight until the situation is made right. “I will go to the ends of the earth, I will call people, I will write letters, I will do everything in the legal realm to make sure this does not happen again,” Lardieri said.
Contact the insane people running the Logan Middle School and let them know what you think: (304)752-1804