Ewections have consequences: President Fudd orders leftist indoctrination at West Point


West point


Leftist indoctrination is being forced upon future officers at the U.S. Military Academy at West Point — in preparation for political murder of Americans.


You find that hard to believe, don’t you.



Mass murder Joseph Stalin’s American enabler and propagandist: none other than The New York Times:




Here’s what is being taught at West Point:

“Understanding America’s

Violent Far-Right”

“What type of far-right groups are more prone than others to engage in violence? How are characteristics of particular far-right groups correlated with their tendency (!) to engage in violence?”

West point propaganda



Big Cyst


Obama logo with fly


What we feared, is really happening.


John Boehner, R.I.P.

Boehner DEAD

The story on Boehner’s death:
