Dept.of Home-Girl Security / Janet Napolitano Scandal Continues — Miss Piggy 2 Resigns; Miss Piggy 1 Remains:


ICE chief of staff resigns after allegations of lewd conduct, sexual harrassment and discrimination charges at Obama/Napolitano DHS


– Obama’s — and America’s — ICE Chief,  Rosanne Suzanne Barr


A top official at Immigration and Customs Enforcement has resigned following allegations by several subordinates of lewd behavior.


The resignation comes nearly three weeks after Barr went on leave over the allegations. The questions about Barr’s conduct were first raised in a lawsuit filed by an ICE official against Department of Homeland Security Janet Napolitano — the lawsuit, which alleged discrimination and retaliation, listed among the complaints that Barr cultivated a “frat-house”-style work environment. 


That accusation was supplemented by two affidavits recounting incidents allegedly involving Barr in 2009.



“I know there’s a levee at DHS about to burst. But don’t worry Barry — I’ve got my thumb in the dyke!”

-Dept. of Home-Girl Security head, Janet “Miss Piggy 1” Napolitano



Napolitano (not shown) speaks at recent meeting of the Dept. of Home-Girl Security Women’s Youth Corps (or is it ‘Corpsewomen?’):



 “What scandal?”

-ABC News’ George Stephanopolis