Day: October 21, 2012
The nation burns. Romney runs. The GOP sleeps.
Obama campaign accepted and may be hiding further foreign Web donations:;s=kLzcpKGJhuxYb3E8K0E2106;fitScript=0/f/mobile/news/national/bam_blind_eye_to_illegal_donors_8SWotytr1RvbhyDCRyyrEL h/t: Chris Le zzzzzzz….
This is what we’re up against, folks.
If it’s not denial our on side, cowardice by the GOP, RINOs eager to sell us out, or ignorance among highly functioning people in all our workplaces (did you hear that, Hollywood?), it’s people like this: . To view the video, here’s the link:
Is Obama Buying the Election With His Welfare Explosion? Uh…. — Yes! We’ll find out November 7th if he succeeded. Won’t we. Zzzzz….
The nation is drowning, and John Boehner remains asleep at the switch.
USDA mum on details pertaining to USDA-Mexico food stamp partnership, non-citizen participation in welfare: Zzzzz…