Twitter suspends American Jew’s account for criticizing Obama. But Twitter allows “Death to the Jews” account to remain on their site.

The Democrat fascist movement Without warning, Twitter suspended a series of three accounts owned by an Orthodox Jew from New York City Wednesday and Thursday, after one of them tweeted a cartoon depicting the Obama administration stabbing Israel in the back. The social media company refused to tell The Daily Caller if the cartoon was the … Read more

Our government, at war with us:

  CONNECTING THE DOTS:   On November 13th, Obama met with Democrat union goon Richard Trumka.   On November 15th, unions bankrupt Hostess Inc:   On November 16th, unions announce they will strike Wal-Mart on its busiest day of the year:     “What don’t youse morons get ?  — We’re takin’ … Read more

Jews you can abuse: Michael Moore, and the Democrat fascist movement

Democrat propagandist MICHAEL MOORE: Israel is invested in war — to make money.   Some old classics, making a come-back — courtesy of the Democrat fascist movement:        

The fascist movement in America continues to tighten its grip:

Fordham bans Ann Coulter, welcomes eugenics* advocate Peter Singer   In case you are not aware, Peter Singer is an advocate for abortion, as a woman’s right and as a form of population control; bestiality; and euthanasia, and he has made the moral case for infanticide, particularly for disabled infants. Yet from the description of … Read more

Everybody’s a critic…

Audience member vomits over balcony at Broadway play: A man vomited over the railing onto about a dozen audience members in the middle of an actor’s monologue.   (You know it had to be an Obama-propaganda monologue — don’t you?)

Daniel Greenberg: A Conservative Sellout is Not the Solution

    Greenberg makes a case for why Romney lost, and presents the GOP solution for the future.  Have you heard it said better?   Some highlights:   “…The Republican Party ran two moderates, whose liberal credentials were acknowledged by the media, and lost two presidential elections. Neither Senator McCain nor Governor Romney would have … Read more


  This is hilarious: watch it all the way through.     Take a look at the rest of the videos by this guy — he’s actually a conservative:

‘Annonymous’ leftists target Israel

  ‘Anonymous’ escalates cyber-war against Israel and pro-Israel groups Israel is facing an organized group of hackers claiming to be part of the international hacker coalition Anonymous, who published on Thursday their own declaration of cyber-war on Israel and its supporters.     @YourAnonNews Anonymous Gosh, the AIPAC website sure looks TANGO DOWN to … Read more

Obama to Congress: “I’LL decide what’s Constitutional!”

“I have advised Congress that I will not construe these provisions as preventing me from fulfilling my constitutional responsibility to recommend to the Congress’s consideration such measures as I shall judge necessary and expedient.”   In other words: “Congress may pass laws, but I decide which of its laws are constitutional and which I can … Read more