Northwestern U. Marxism conference packed with teachers — down to nursery school level

Ever hated school? Now you have a great reason.   Teachers filled the ranks at the 2012 Midwest Marxism Conference, which was held Saturday at Northwestern University’s Medill School of Journalism.   Chicago Teachers Union Vice President Jesse Sharkey, who spoke at one of the breakout sessions, was just one of the hundreds of attendees, … Read more

Farewell to ‘Old Glory.’ Say hello to ‘New Glory:’

    (A flag with 50 stars for 50 states?  Stick it up your ass, mister.)     (Besides, it doesn’t mean much anymore to most Americans — especially this young lady.)   — Or to this talented lunatic, who actually wrote that little girls’ two ‘books:’     We’ve got a new flag. And … Read more

THIS is how bad the GOP hacks running the party are:

Former RNC chair Michael Steele: “At least Republicans won when I was in office” ( — and he’s right!)     “We’ll never win an election again. I’ll see to that.”

Interesting facts!

    In 59 Philadelphia voting divisions, Mitt Romney got zero votes:   Obama Lost in Every State With Photo ID Law:   Romney Got ZERO Votes In 9 Precincts in Ohio       Zzzzzzz….