

Ted Cruz group photo

-Senator Ted Cruz (R-Texas)


Texas ‘Cruz Missile’ — Senator standing by his principles, ready to take the heat



‘An awful lot of Republicans failed to stand for principle and contributed to getting us in this mess’




We know he’s a winner — and so does the left.  That’s why the leftist government/news/entertainment defamation machine is on a coordinated attack:


Ted Cruz’s neo-McCarthyism doesn’t bode well for GOP “makeover”


Ted Cruz Poses Problem For Republican Party


Ted Cruz Demonstrates Texans Will Elect Anyone, No Matter How Stupid, If He’s A Republican


Is Sen. Ted Cruz ‘The New McCarthy’? Report Says He Accused Harvard Law Faculty Of Harboring ‘Communists’

Is Sen. Ted Cruz ‘The New McCarthy’? Report Says He Accused Harvard Law Faculty Of Harboring ‘Communists’


The poster-boy for Republicans who ‘failed to stand for principle, and contributed to getting us in this mess:’
