Even if Mitt “Obama’s a nice guy!” Romney wins the election, he may never be sworn into office:

  On March 16, 2012 Obama wrote and signed Executive Order 13603 naming it: “National Defense Resources Preparedness.”   In black and white, Obama laid out a blueprint for an American president to lay siege over our nation and its economy by seizing control of:   – “All forms of civil transportation”   -“All commodities … Read more

Bob Dole: Advice from a loser

  Disastrous GOP Presidential Candidate ‘Bob’ Dole (“I’m Bob Dole — Bob Dole!”) Urges Mitt Romney To Confront The Republican Party’s Right Wing: http://www.businessinsider.com/bob-dole-urges-mitt-romney-to-confront-the-republican-partys-right-wing-2012-8   “Take my advice, Mitt. Otherwise you’re going to find yourself president in 2013.” -Bob Dole, grand old loser of the GOP

Romney’s ‘Nice Guy’ Insanity Is Back:

Romney: GOP convention theme against Obama will be “nice guy, failed President” http://hotair.com/archives/2012/08/27/romney-gop-convention-theme-against-obama-will-be-nice-guy-failed-president/   (Will Romney be remembered as “nice guy, failed candidate?”)   “Back to the old days! I can’t believe it!”     “And Michelle Obama is ‘lovely’ again!” -Ann Romney   “That’s right, @#$%!”     “Between agreeing to those corrupt, biased … Read more

‘LUNARTIC:’ White House commemorates Neil Armstrong’s death with an enormous photograph of the biggest putz to ever lead a nation, ‘Barack Obama:’

  Yes, that’s Dumbo in the center of the picture.   http://directorblue.blogspot.com/2012/08/white-house-commemorates-neil.html     “Is the moon and Mars the same place? Could there be 57 planets, too?”     Says NY Times editor, Jill “Pruneface” Abramson: “If Barack Obama says the moon and Mars are the same place, they are the same place. Who … Read more

Obama’s General Links Spike in ‘Insider Attacks’ to Stress of Ramadan Fasting

  (CNSNews.com) – The commander of coalition forces in Afghanistan on Thursday cited the stress of fasting during Ramadan – which fell at the height of summer this year – as one possible reason for a spike in “insider attacks” on U.S. troops. However, the Muslim fast month historically has been associated with jihad. http://cnsnews.com/news/article/us-general-links-spike-insider-attacks-stress-ramadan-fasting … Read more

NY Times: Finally an admission and an explanation!

  .   In one sentence, the New York Times editor admits her corruption, gives her motive, and explains her stupidity:   “I (Times executive editor Jill Abramson) agree…that in covering some social and cultural issues, the Times…reflects its urban and cosmopolitan base.” http://www.politico.com/blogs/media/2012/08/nyts-abramson-rebuts-brisbane-charge-133211.html   cos·mo·pol·i·tan adjective 1.free from provincial attachments.   Ugh.   The … Read more

An incredible quote:

  Argue with this, if you’re ignorant enough to try:   “I would like to solicit your consideration of two different markets, from a patent attorney’s viewpoint.   The market for medical treatment is heavily charged with public policy concerns, is highly regulated, and limited with respect to patent (personal property) rights.   The market … Read more

Whoopi Goldberg says about her hero, ‘Chester the Molester’ Polanski: “I know it wasn’t rape-rape”

http://www.fireandreamitchell.com/2009/09/29/whoopi-goldberg-says-about-polanski-i-know-it-wasnt-rape-rape%E2%80%9D/   “Whoopi’s right — sexual molestation of a child is not ‘rape-rape’ in Hollywood — a lot of us are screwing little kids. We’ll screw anything that walks — or lays down. Why do you think we flock there?  Or flock to those kiddie ‘beauty’ pageants. Look, everyone is making a very big deal … Read more

Horror! Romney Used ‘Blockers’ to Avoid Taxes

http://news.yahoo.com/bain-documents-romney-offshore-investments-used-blockers-avoid-185957445–abc-news-topstories.html    On the other hand:   -Obama Used Radical Islamists to Get into Harvard   -Obama Used Voter Fraud Groups to Get Elected in Chicago   -Obama Safe-Schools Czar Kevin ‘Fisting’ Jennings Advocates Bizarre Sex Acts with Minors     -Obama Used Communists (Van Jones) in High White House Positions    -Obama Used Maoists … Read more

Sadly, these are true stories:

  Valerie Jarrett, enriching herself with inside information:  Obama senior “adviser” Valerie Jarrett’s real-estate investment “jumped” in value between 2010 and 2011: http://freebeacon.com/jarrett-towers/ “I advise you to scam me more money, is what I advise.”     Yet Another Ghostwriting Accusation Leveled at CNN’s and TIME Magazine’s Resident America-hater, Fareed Zakaria Ghostwriting Accusation Leveled at Fareed … Read more

President Contrivance

A quote that will be forever associated with the contrivance of ‘Barack Obama:’   Obama Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter: “Entertainment Tonight and People Magazine ‘Equally Important’ to Press Conferences” http://newsbusters.org/blogs/noel-sheppard/2012/08/19/obama-campaign-manager-entertainment-tonight-and-people-mag-equally-i   Madeleine ‘Not So Bright’ Albright campaigns for Obama: “We’re going to blame Bush ‘forever’” http://washingtonexaminer.com/madeleine-albright-campaigns-for-obama-were-going-to-blame-bush-forever/article/2505479#.UDOTcd1lREM     Air-head supreme:       “Don’t forget … Read more


All part of the plan….   WALL STREET JOURNAL: Think Gas Prices Are Bad Now? Surge in Futures (19%+) and Cost of Oil Hasn’t Fully Shown Up at the Pump: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10000872396390443713704577601443789481110.html?mod=ITP_moneyandinvesting_3     “$9 a gallon. just like in Europe!…” – ‘Barack Obama,’ the greatest fraud in the history of the world.     High … Read more

‘Obama:’ The Greatest Fraud Ever Told:

‘Barack Obama’ will go down in history as the greatest fraud ever perpetrated upon an electorate.   Worse than the fraud itself, is America’s free press having conspired in so willingly.   Almost as worse, is the opposition party having enabled the fraud, by its own passivity.       The ignoramus, by his own … Read more

Michael Bloomberg is nuts. Any argument?

Bloomberg: Make Immigrants Live in Detroit, If They ‘Survive 7 Years’ Make Them Citizens http://cnsnews.com/news/article/bloomberg-make-immigrants-live-detroit-if-they-survive-7-years-make-them-citizens   Bloomberg: ‘Nobody Has Come Across the U.S.-Mexico Border in a Long Time’ http://cnsnews.com/news/article/bloomberg-nobody-has-come-across-us-mexico-border-long-time     “Now that‘s a funny guy!”   “Yeah!”

You Didn’t Eat That! (Oh yes they did!)

Michelle “Shaped Like A Bell” Obama, The First Hippo-crite and Glutton, serves a greasy, fattening and sodium-laden lunch to children visiting the White House. http://washingtonexaminer.com/first-lady-serves-cabbage-sloppy-joes-and-zucchini-fries-to-kids-for-state-dinner/article/2505429   While it is true that for the first time in her adult life, she is proud of fine American food, it is only so long as she’s the one … Read more

Nancy ‘The Prune’ Pelosi Mocks Paul Ryan’s Body, On Useful-idiot Jimmy Falon’s Show

http://www.washingtontimes.com/blog/inside-politics/2012/aug/18/pelosi-fallon-joke-about-ryans-abs/   House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, venturing into late-night comedy with a visit to NBC’s “Late Night with Jimmy Fallon” on Friday. When asked for her thoughts on Paul Ryan, the Wisconsin congressman that Mitt Romney has picked for his running mate, Mrs. Pelosi said: “I don’t really know him well because I’ve never … Read more


  Here we go again:   THIS is what a lunatic named Obama and a drunk named Hillary Clinton have wrought:   MUSLIM BROTHERHOOD IN EGYPT ‘CRUCIFIES’ (literally) OPPONENTS; ATTACKS SECULAR MEDIA Muslim Brotherhood ‘Crucifies’ Opponents, Attacks Secular Media   Here, the victim is shown having been ‘scourged’ (whipped to near death, as is part … Read more


  Feel secure?   NOW can you undersand what is happening inside our military, and why the suicide rate among our soldiers has risen to epidemic numbers?   Could you ever imagine something this dangerous and this bizarre ever happening in a Romney-Ryan administration?   NAPOLITANO’S  DEPT. OF HOMEGIRL SECURITY IS FALLING APART AS THE … Read more

An Arab Springsteen? Not quite!

  Unlike bigoted @#$%’s Carlos Santana, Elvis Costello, Roger Waters and Annie Lennox, Bruce Springsteen has refused to boycott the Jewish state, and will be performing there in the summer of 2013.   Yom Kippur: what the holiest day in the Jewish calendar is really like…     Note to Carlos Santana: useful idiots like … Read more

TheFineReport: 2,500,000+ hits

    4 Months, 2,500,000+ hits     We continue to be the #1 source for the finest in low-brow entertainment.       “Ain’t dat da troof.” – Race-baiter, anti-Semite, MSNBC host and Barack Obama-intimate, Al Sharpton  

Fox News: Organ Trafficking on the Rise in the United States:

The main brokers of organs tend to be local organized crime groups and corrupt officials on the local level and doctors, independent transplant coordinators and transnational organized crime syndicates on the international stage. http://latino.foxnews.com/latino/news/2012/08/16/organ-trafficking-on-rise-in-united-states/?test=latestnews     “I sold one of my balls to buy four new tires for my Mercedes. But it turned out I … Read more

Hillary, Amos & Andy

  “I hopes y’all has da vision to votes for me as V.P., and forgets all dat crooked stuff and  lyin’ I did in da past. God bless da America we is trying to create! I will gets da people workin again! We got a lot of dem chil’ren who don’t know what work means. … Read more