As if You Needed Another Reason Not to Waste Your Money On Newspapers:

Obama Baby-sitter Warren Buffett to buy 63 newspapers


 And he ain’t happy about having to buy them:


Buffett: “How stupid are you? What kind of dumbbell could blow the deal we got with you in the White House? Huh? I ought to splap that stupid grin you walk around with right off your face!  Now, cause of you and your big mouth, your wife’s big mouth and both your pea brains, the only way I can get you decent press is to go out and buy 63 goddam newspapers! Stupid! Idiot! Moron! Sh-t for brains! A-hole!… Now, do you want to know how I really feel, you sad excuse for a Manhurian man! Stick to the script, moron! Do not deviate from it! Do you understand, you melon-headed deranged bag of human offal! And my new Buffett rule: never again send a douche to do the job of  a Manchurian. We have a country to destroy, man — get with it! And your watch — it still has the wrong time!!”


Obama: “Sorry. Can I go  now?”


-Warren Buffett and Melon-head.



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