“SIEG — ‘braaaaap!!’ — HEIL!”

Documents reveal Adolph Hitler farted uncontrollably due to his vegetarian diet http://washingtonexaminer.com/politics/washington-secrets/2012/05/docs-reveal-hitler-farted-received-sex-injections-craved-cocaine -The Nazi symbol, now to be forever known as the “Fartstika.”       “That’s completely disgusting!” -Contrivance, dog-eater and current president of the U.S. ‘Bark’ Obama   “Ewww.. It really is!” –  Contrived ‘American’s smartest woman,’ incompetent current Secretary of Inebriation Hillary … Read more

Blind Chinese’s Dissident’s Pleas Ignored by U.S. Secretary of Inebriation Hillary Clinton

Chen Guangcheng, the blind Chinese dissident who took refuge in the U.S. embassy, hoped Secretary of Inebriation Hillary Clinton would rescue him. “My fervent hope is that it would be possible for me and my family to leave for the U.S. on Hillary Clinton’s plane.” http://www.weeklystandard.com/blogs/chen-guangcheng-ignored-hillary-clinton_643110.html     “Fervent wha?… What plane? Oh, that plane…. … Read more

Obama Shrugs-Off Disappointing Jobs Number

http://news.yahoo.com/obama-shrugs-off-disappointing-jobs-number-162408190.html.   “What do I care? Me and my family, we’re living large, and so are my friends.  I got the all the major news networks shilling for me, and have half the nation on food stamps and whathaveyou. I could play golf 96 times and no one would care. I could get caught lying … Read more

Unemployment Rate ‘Drops’ — The Professor Weighs In

‘Lowering the unemployment rate by destroying the job market.’  By Professor Allison D. Papalopolopolis.   Hey there!   Once again the jobs report is ‘worse than expected.’ Well, well, what a surprise. But somehow the unemployment rate released by the Obama administration today is ‘only 8.1%’. Yeah, right. That makes about as much sense racism … Read more

Is THIS the ‘girlfriend?’

The ‘girlfriend’ in William Ayers’ ‘Obama’s’ book, “Dreams of My Father??????”   -The woman once thought to be Elizabeth Warren’s Aunt Shirley is now suspected of being the former object of ‘Bark’ Obama’s youthful passions.