Elizabeth ‘Sitting Bullsh-t’ Warren is also a plagairist?!
Phony Indian and affirmative-action fraud Elizabeth Warren also Plagiarized Her ‘Pow Wow Chow’ Recipes?
What a surprise.
Crazy Elizabeth Warren: Not 1/32 American Indian. But 100% fraud.
Like Joseph Biden, she never worked a day in her life in the private sector. But…
…like Biden, she somehow became a multi-millionaire. (You being taxpayers, she and Biden would like to thank you for making them rich — most likely by breaking the law.)
-Chief ‘Sitting Bullsh-t’ Elizabeth Warren, Harvard professor and candidate for prison.
– Harvard fraud, Elizabeth Warren, feathers off, as she roots the landscape for another public trough to pig out at. Look around and you’ll see a lot of her fellow Democrats.