How leftists divert charity funds to American newspapers and corrupt them:


Los Angeles Times receives a $1-million grant from the Ford Foundation,0,4607187.story?track=lanowpicks


Looks innocent enough, right?


But who is the Ford Foundation? (Don’t be fooled by the squeaky clean name  — it has nothing to do with the car company: it’s a leftist slush fund.)




How The Ford Foundation Funds the Left and Radical Islam:



“Isn’t the Ford Foundation ‘lovely.’ So lovely. So calm and composed as it rots the core of our society with indoctrination, corruption and lies. Mitt and I are thinking of giving all our money to the Ford Foundation one day.”

-Ann Romney, Stockholm Syndrome sufferer?



“That’s right, Ann.  Folks, like Barack Obama, the Ford Foundation is  just  a nice young group of Communists and fascists in over their heads. (After these kind words, these Ford Foundation  folks just might vote for  me. Don’t tell me my ‘dumbass strategy’ doesn’t work!)”

-Mitt Romney, creator of the ‘Dumbass Strategy 2012,’ originated by John McCain in ‘Dumbass Strategy 2008.’



“Breaking news, everyone: Mitt Romney is even more politically dumb than we could ever hope for! Roll tape!…”

-CNN propagandist, Wolf Blitzer