Another Leftist Scam: Global Sweetening!

Breaking Nooz From The Left:  Sugar Can Make You Dumb! 


Sugar can make you dumb, corrupt US scientists warn. Researchers at the University of California Los Angeles (UCLA) fed two groups of rats a solution containing high-fructose corn syrup — a common ingredient in processed foods — as drinking water for six weeks. “We forced rats to each drink 12 gallons of fructose a day. Just before their stomachs exploded, we put a piece of cheese in the same place we put it before the force-feeding of the fructose. Amazingly, as the rats lay on their backs writhing in pain as they were dying, they totally ignored the cheese — and we think they probably didn’t remember where it was! (Well, we did consider the possibility the rats were full from all the fructose pumped into their stomachs. We’re not entirely sure. But we sure got a lot of rat guts all over the place — and a nice new grant from the Obama administration to study dumbness and global warming.)”



Famous sugar-dumbness sufferers:


-Poster child.


-Poster of the poster child (Courtesy of



-Dumbness victim, with additional side-effect of severe flatulence.



-Dumbness victim., with side effect of big-mouth/small thoughts syndrome.



-Dumbness victim, hooked on booze. (Old, sad story.)



-Long-term fructose addict: idiocy in its purest manifestation.



“It was the fructose poisonging — it finally got to me! That‘s why I endorsed Obama. See, I’m not a piece of @#$%! I’m still the cuddly old grand dame of show biz, right?”

-Betty White, piece of @#$%.



(Can you come up with your own a scam to control the way people live or eat? If so, send it to us. We might just publish it — then use it to take over the world. We promise to make you a commissar — or something.)