The Chi Coms want Obama. What else do you need to know before you vote?

Communist China’s government-controlled media slams Romney as GOP convention begins:


“Don’t you understand? — We want your biggest idiot as president!”


America’s biggest idiot, bowing to Communist China’s ruler Hu Jintao:



A transcript of the exchange:


Obama: “I am Obama. You are who?”
Hu: “Correct.”
Obama: “You’re ‘Correct?'”
Hu: “No, you are correct.”
Obama: “No, I’m Obama.”
Hu: “I know that. And I am Hu.”
Obama: “I don’t know. That’s what I’m trying to find out.”
Hu: ” — Hu.”
Obama: “Who?”
Hu: “Correct.”
Obama: “You’re ‘Correct?'”
Hu: “No, you are correct.”
Obama: “No, I’m Barack.”
Hu: “Did you just belch?”
Obama: “Who?”
Hu: “Correct.”
Obama: “You’re ‘Correct?'”
Hu: “No, you are correct.”
Obama: “No, I’m Barack.”
Hu: “See — you belched again. I knew you picked your nose in public, but belching in someone’s face…”
Obama: “Who belched in anyone’s face?”
Hu: “No, you belched in my face.”
Obama: “Who?”
Hu: “Correct.”
Obama: “You’re ‘Correct?'”


Hu: (Aside, to his translator:) “Our intelligence was wrong — Hillary Clinton is not the dumber one. But I think they both drink too much.”



“Hu is right. You have a very serious case of dandruff. You should stand up straight so nobody has to look at it.”

-Obama bows to the Japanese Emperor.



“Hu is right, Obama. You have so much dandruff, it looks like it’s snowing in here.  Good thing I wore a white shirt!

I see some ringworm, too. That looks nasty.”


“Yup. That’s ringworm, all right. And it’s spreading. When was the last time you washed your hair?”



“You do have ringworm. You also have ear wax.

I’m not real and have no sense of smell, but I still find the personal hygiene of a certain somebody to be quite disgusting.”

-Obama bows to the Burger King.






“You are correct!”

-Chi Com leader, Hu Jintao