GE’s NBC Hires Obama’s Speechwriter To Write White House Sit-Com: (“The Romneys?”)

The latest hatchet job from NBC (a government-financed and controlled media entity, via government contracts with its parent, General Electric):


A thinly-veiled stab at the Romney family:

“1600 Penn”

“1600 Penn” is described as a “Modern Family-type” sitcom



So how about this sit-com? It’d be a lot funnier — and more realistic:

MSNBC Presents:

“The Obamaz!”

The All-American family!



Starring Barry Obama as The Prez!

The smartest man in America, at the lever of American enterprise



Starring Michelle Obama as The Glamorous First Lady!

Fashion and glamour icon, Michelle Obama, on $10 million vacation


Co-Starring Al Sharpton as Uncle Al The Bigot!

“Baby, you better no be no Jew, white Mexican, or especially not one of dem cross-dressin’ fags. Rememba, I don’t do anal, except for a lotta money. And it don’t look to me like you got it.”



Co-Starring Elizabeth Warren as Mother-in-law Lizzie ‘Sitting Stupid’ Sotelo!

“Barry’s part Indian-giver, too!”



Co-Starring Joe Biden as Joe The Butler!

“Eleven people coming for dinner tonight, right?”



Co-Starring Nancy Pelosi as Mrs. Busybody, The Loudmouth Housekeeper!

“What do I have to do, shout it in front of a microphone so you’ll hear? Okay, I’ll do it: You people are slobs! It smells like a barn in here!”




Co-Starring Hillary Clinton as Hillary The Hard-Partying Secretary!

“Oops! The smartest woman in America forgot about the security camera again.”



Co-Starring John Boehner as Mr. Blubber, The Hapless Opposition Leader!

 “Not fair — they never let me win!”




And the Obama Girls, Gone Wild!

“Hey, at least I kept my top on — my sister didn’t!”



Musical performances by Welfare Queen!

 “Now I got two reputations to look out for!”



And special musical guest, The New Black Panther Minstrels!

 “All right boys, let’s pick it up from the top:   “America… America…  God shed his grace on thee….  And crown thy good with brotherhood, from see to shining sea!’…  One more time! — ‘America… America…'”




The reviews are!  Says arbitor of taste, George Clooney:

“It’s hilarious!! Even my agent laughed! And he never laughs at anything!!






Special thanks to Scooter Van Neuter at for his art and his courtesy.



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