Bristol Palin: The Fine Report to your rescue!


The left in the United States is scared sh-tless of this nice young lady and her mother. But this time around, their defamation won’t go unchallenged. Nor will their evil have its intended effect.


The Fine Report has come to your emotional rescue.



(“Oh no! Not them again!”)

‘Fraid so, you nose-picking, dog-eating, moose-marrying incompetent commie fraud.




Ladies and Gentlemen, and non-communists of all ages: We give you Bristol Palin…


Loves her country.



Now, time to get in the trenches…


A show business has-been-that-never-was shills for the Democrat defamation machine and turns on her country, in exhange for a modicum of media attention: Kathy Griffin Calls Bristol Palin A Prostitute


Film Company Owned By Obama Supporter Promotes Violence Against Bristol Palin (What some people will do for a little money. That’s why there’s hell.)


Then, there’s this sell-out:


Betty White supports Barack Obama. (Has no clue why.)

-Betty White: “I am not a piece of @#$%!”  Oh yes you are. “I am not!”  Oh yes you are. “Stop it! I am not a piece of @#$%!”  Oh yes you are.


Says White: “They said if I didn’t sell out my country, I would no longer get attention as the cute elderly stateswoman of show business. So  I sold out my country and endorsed a lunatic for president.  Still, aren’t I adorable?…  What do you mean, ‘I’m a piece of @#$% and I should croak?’  I’m adorable!… ‘What do you mean, ‘I should drop dead in the street, fall flat on my face and every dog walking by should piss on me?! ‘ That is not the deal! — You’re supposed to think I’m adorable!! What?? I am not a piece of @#$%, dammit!! I am Betty White! — Please! – You don’t understand! — They did everything to me! They made me listen to Obama speeches for an hour! Then they held my teeth hostage!!”


No, White, you’ll forevermore be known by a vast majority of our nation to be another piece of @#$% who sold out her country in exchange for a little narcissistic attention.



And here’s  another @#$%, ‘Mouthwash’ Weymouth, publisher of the Washington Post (a former prostitute* and drug addict*) who has destroyed a once great American newspaper, using it to print lies about political opponents of people having animous towards our country, merely so these people — get this — will invite her to cocktail parties*:

Washington Post publisher ‘Mouthwash’ Weymouth.

For more parody on this dirtbag*, see:



*Denotes parody and political and social commentary. (Gotta love that First Amendment!)