This, from the former president who created an epidemic of oral sex among elementary school children as a result of the scandal of his having oral sex with a young White House intern, in the Oval Office, while on the (blow) job, and started a war in Eastern Europe to distract attention from it:
(No joke — )
In Monaco, Bill Clinton posed with a group of pornographic film performers. The films of the performers Clinton posed with include “Mission Asspossible,” “Baby Got Boobs 8,” and “Farm Girls Gone Bad.“
-Former impeached president, Bill Clinton
“I loved them all,” said Clinton. “But I particularly liked ‘Mission Asspossible,’ because after the election of Barack Obama — or whoever he really is — I think that now anything is possible. And not just with someone’s ass.”
— And his favorite:
“State Department Sexcapades“
-Secretary of Inebriation, Hillary Clinton (left) with close personal aide (right). Because of her husband’s new friendships, Hillary is being considered for a starring role in “Mission Asspossible II.”