Impeached former president and husband of Hillary, Bill Clinton, poses with pornographic film performers


This, from the former president who created an epidemic of oral sex among elementary school children as a result of the scandal of his having oral sex with a young White House intern, in the Oval Office, while on the (blow) job, and started a war in Eastern Europe to distract attention from it:


(No joke — )


In Monaco, Bill Clinton posed with a group of pornographic film performers. The films of the performers Clinton posed with include “Mission Asspossible,” “Baby Got Boobs 8,” and “Farm Girls Gone Bad.


-Former impeached president, Bill Clinton



“I loved them all,” said Clinton. “But I particularly liked Mission Asspossible,’ because after the election of Barack Obama — or whoever he really is — I think that now anything is possible. And not just with someone’s ass.”



— And his favorite:


State Department Sexcapades


-Secretary of Inebriation, Hillary Clinton (left) with close personal aide (right). Because of her husband’s new friendships, Hillary is being considered for a starring role in “Mission Asspossible II.