Kind of early to fold, Mitt — ya think?

  “What’s happening here? I had everything going for me — everything! — until these GOP hacks got in the mix and started screwing the base.   What’s going on with me? — I would have fired these a-holes in a heart-beat if they were working for me in the private sector! What do they … Read more

We don’t call them ‘Hollywood idiots’ for nothing:

  Barkin’ Ellen Barkin Hopes Hurricane Kills ‘Every Pro-Life, Xenophobic, Gay-Bashing SOB’ At The RNC TFR: “Ellen, what is a xenophobe?” Barkin: “Uh…someone who is afraid of Xenos?” TFR: “If you are not ‘pro-life,’ are you pro-death?” Barkin: “Uh…”   -Hollywood idiot, Barkin’ Ellen Barkin Samuel L. Jackson asks why GOP ‘spared’ by tropical … Read more